12 Answers
I tend to make eye contact with everyone, however, this is not a usual thing here in Scotland, many people avert their eyes from strangers, I must be an unusually friendly type, although I don't normally speak to passing strangers other than a customary "Hiya, or good morning (afternoon etc).
9 years ago. Rating: 10 | |

Oh, man! Texans make eye contact as a rule. Frustrating in New York 'cause one is supposed to be invisible there.....
9 years ago. Rating: 10 | |

I pass many strangers during my daily walks with my dog (<---- Max, pictured left). I always speak, if only a hello or good morning etc. Most reply but some (usually school students) divert their eyes and utter a weak hello. I have met and become friends with many whom I never would have known without those daily walks .... and having a cute dog helps much.
9 years ago. Rating: 10 | |

IIn Aussie we have a tendency to just nod at somebody,,or say G'day,,out on the back roads .some of us still give a passing truckie or car a coupla fingers above the steering wheel,,<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>..
9 years ago. Rating: 9 | |

Now we have them too. :(
many times i make eye contact if i am in close contact 3 to 4 feet away. i tend to say hello to people when taking walks. i start conversations with people all the time. in my area, silicon valley, many people are starting to be more friendly and start conversations in grocery stores, post office etc. i think many are starting to realize being a snob in not the greatest thing. i think television and news is helping people grow and tolerate difference in others more.
9 years ago. Rating: 7 | |

I must admit I'm the friendliest person I've met so far while in Scotland.
Texans are known as some of the friendliest people on earth and I'm no exception. I've traveled many Texas highways over the years and one of my favorite things to do was to wave at cars and trucks going past me in the other direction and seeing them wave back. When my aunt and I traveled together, for a fun game we would count how many people waved back (if they hadn't waved first).
When I first moved to Scotland I would try to make eye contact with every person who crossed my path and IF that person looked at me I would smile and say hello and/or wave. The problem is only about 1 out of 5 people will look my way and not one person in 2 1/2 years has waved to Roy and me. Roy even advised me to stop waving because waving is not a "done thing here". Sad really!
9 years ago. Rating: 4 | |