This morning, Aug. 24, 2015, I received an email (unsolicited) from the admin at akaQA which states the following:
(Paraphrasing) The issues with the site are quite serious. Unfortunately, the original developer has left the company, so fixing things will take much longer than anticipated.
Note: The TUs seem to be working now. Again, nothing to do but be patient and keep checking in here on occasion, to see how things are progressing.
@Tommyh.....and TU to U2! :)
4 Answers
The word "serious"is what worries me. I can't help but feel ,they, the admin are keen enough to let akaQA deteriorate. Why should they care? I guess time will tell.
9 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
Sounds like the original programmer for this site left disgruntled, little like a virus which usually is created is computer annalist who created the programme , if this is fact it will take some time to sort out - Slowly bit Surely. :) ----- good to use TU's, again,
9 years ago. Rating: 6 | |