    A real problem.

    My son is being bullied at summer camp by a child he attends school with. This child attacked my child in the library of reading camp and then again in the bathroom while my son was urinating. My son just turned six.  The other child is one year older, has a heroin addict as a mother and I am about to make sure this type of incident never happens again. 


    Any advice would be a really good thing.  I am about to make this woman's life a living hell.   

    +7  Views: 1017 Answers: 9 Posted: 9 years ago

    How very sad. :(

    9 Answers

    All of the advice from members here is superb, I have nothing to add, I must ask though, is your son the only one this little shit is picking on? Somehow I don't think so, time to find out and get together with some of the other parents.


    I have already done that... my son is not the only one.

    Find out if there is a drug task force and turn them in. Threaten to take son out unless other kid is gone for good.



    Personally, I would enroll your son ( as I did with my 8-year old several years ago) in a martial arts class. He too was experiencing bullying. My immediate-term solution was meeting the kids dad, who luckily was a reasonable man who addressed it immediately and apologized profusely (otherwise I would have beat him to a pulp ;-) ).

    Nevertheless, I knew that the likelihood of a similar incident reoccurring with some other bully was a pretty safe bet. So I got him into TaeKwonDoe (sic) It turned out that he enjoyed it and stuck to it for several years until he got his black belt. The black belt status is not quite what you may think. He's no Bruce Lee, that's for sure. But the mere fact that his school friends (and lurking bullies) became aware of his involvement in martial arts no doubt acted as a deterrent to other possible bullying attempts.



    Thanks. I will definitely be doing this.
    The boy who did this to my son has a mother that thinks there is nothing wrong with her son's behaviour and has decided to charge me with harassment.

    I think digger has the right idea. You can't always be there when your child needs help. If you give the child the ability (not to mention the reputation) to defend himself, he will have the bullies fearing him!

    What a sad world we live in....full of brats with no parental guidance nor discipline. It seems that some parents are afraid of their own kids!

    Hey Fish,sounds like the lady you speak of is already in a living hell, Always nice talking Fish.>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..


    You are correct Terry and now I have calmed down. I am a mother bear. Her son is sick in his mind. My husband and I are dealing with this, meetings with people who have come forward who know this woman and her child.
    Wish us luck dear Terry. This child who hurt my son is very sick in his mind. At the age of six he targeted my son because he believes my son is lucky.
    My son is well loved. He is our miracle. He is surrounded by family members that are amazed he is on this planet earth because my husband and I gave birth late in life. ... Our boy truly is beyond sweet. He is beyond kind. He completely understands the meaning of empathy.
    If you could give a little prayer during the next few weeks, I would really appreciate that. xoF

     When I was bullied at school I responded with crying and begging which worked so well that it became a behavioral-standard-avoidance-tactic of mine and led to other forms of black-mail and intimidation by my rivals requiring ingenious forms of revenge and reverse persecution. Within a few months I was a person to avoid and every little accident and fowl-up was blamed on me...of course...even when I could not have been involved.  


    My son is six. He is a sweet little man who is smart and talented, not athletic. If you think about the Dalai Lama, you will understand my child. :)

    Addicts ... junkies ... drunks ... are all liars who talk through both sides of their mouths ... given that I would doubt very highly that this junkie would actually call the RCs... they are the last people on earth that a derilect chooses to keep company with. I would go to the cops myself [having just done this very thing the last week of highschool because Storm was being cyber-bullied and verbally harrassed and threatened by a very screwed up pair of little lesbian girls [?] both aged 15 and one of which is violent] ... yes, go to the coppers and explain everything and ask that a report be made. I would also express my concerns about retaliation by the junkie mom who is likely a freakin' basket-case.

    I am feeling really crappy that your liddle Buddha-boy has been targeted by a son-of-a-junkie .... it sucks to be a bully that is certain.... ask my friendless ex ....

    Sending peaceful loving vibes across the straits love love XOX


    We have contacted the police. Fortunately our liaison is a wonderful man who understands exactly where we are coming from. This goes beyond two kicks, it is bullying. Our boy doesn't understand what happened. ... He gives himself 'time outs' if he knows he has done something wrong. He admits when things are his fault and sticks up for his friends when he knows the truth is the truth. Our boy has a pure little soul.
    I flipping dislike drug addicts. I have had to work around them, work with them and deal with them for far too long. Our step daughter's mother is a drug addict. She is going blind because she shot heroin into her eyeballs because she had no veins left. The garbage she has thrown onto all of our lives and especially her daughter has been astronomical. And, now I am dealing with another person who is not only not accountable for her actions but, teaching a hatred filled child not to be accountable also.
    ... This is beyond the beyond.
    And, no one wants to talk to me because I flipped out because I was protecting my child. ... I am the person in the wrong.

    This is just so sick.

    Also, I can't believe anyone would dream to hurt your beautiful girl. That is beyond anything I can comprehend.

    Peace and Love.

    Well darling Fish rest assured that there is absolutely no sucha thing as 'over-protecting' your child ! Those who don't are always the ones to utter famous last words like "I only left him/her for 5 minutes by the pool" or "I was only in the store for two seconds" or ..... you get my drift sister. xox LL

    Thanks Lindi. It is quite funny that people who claimed to be our friends have turned their backs. I truly hope their children can avoid this boy. I would hate to hear their son or daughter was injured because they think I have overreacted.
    xo back at you. :)

    Yes take diggers advice,  get him trained to defend himself,  he won't get picked on once he has stood up to the next little scum bag.


    The boy who did what he did has a sick mind. He took down a man at five years old in a rage that nine people could not control. The RCMP had to be involved.

    He's already got priors??? I am somehow not shocked ... appalled maybe but not shocked!

    Yes, he does but because he is six there is nothing that can be done about it. I can't imagine how many people he will hurt before he is 16. And, his mother will still not hold him accountable and continue to make up excuses for his aggressive and destructive behaviour.
    He already tells people that he wants a different mom and when she pawns him off on people to babysit him for free ... he won't admit he lives where he lives in an attempt to not be taken home. The child has serious anger issues and so does his mother.
    The situation is ridiculous.

    Surround this whole situation and all involved with WHITE light pumped up bigtime ... then sit back and watch ....

    If you have followed proper procedures in making the woman's life hell, and, knowing you, there's no doubt you have, try to put it out of your mind. A reasonable judge and/or attorney will put HER in her place.

    Digger has a good idea, and hopefully your son will enjoy it. 

    You've pulled your son from a bad situation, have reinforcements from other "victims" and their parents. I think you've covered your bases.

    This kid may respond to some positive influence,  though having bullied others and suffering a junkie for a parent, finding the right resource may be difficult. Your son may have some ideas on how to help, as might the other children. 

    Keep us updated. I hate to hear things like this, especially from someone I love as much as you. 


    In actual fact Bobette, this child who targeted my son and his mother have more rights than we do. His relatives have come forward to state he has a problem in his brain. Other parents are talking about horrible things this child has done and because he is only six, his mother is on disability, they live in government housing... they have more rights.

    It is a nightmare.

    This sounds absurd. There is no excuse for bullying, "a problem in the brain", poverty, or substance abuse. It's not acceptable. Let's hope the courts will looks at the facts

    We are trying to get him transferred into an arts based school. That is pretty much all we can do ...or home school.

    Reading other comments, it seems this situation is out of control. You reacted too strongly? The little boy had 9 people needed to restrain him from abusing another human being?
    Get to court as quickly as possible -FAMILY court. Bring as much documentation as you can find. Definitely a different school...

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