    why is there no king of england

    0  Views: 776 Answers: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

    2 Answers

    Oh glory! The monarchy and how to get it wrong AGAIN.

    We have a queen because she was the elder of two daughters and has no brothers to take precedence. The reason her husband is not a king is rooted in history. One could not have a reigning monarch obeying her husband: the answer was to be sure she outranked him.

    Her eldest son Charles, is her heir and, if he outlives her, will become king.

    After him comes his eldest son, Prince William. Prince Harry would only come to the throne if William died before Princess Catherine has a child. If that child was to be a girl, and the only child of the marriage, she would become queen in her turn. If William & Catherine have more than one child the eldest son, if any, would be the next king. If they were all female, then the elder daughter would be queen in due course. Harry would be in line behind them all... and behind their children in time.

    There is no current king in England because the last heir to the throne was Queen Elizabeth II. She became the queen when her father George the VI. When queen Elizabeth will perish, her oldest son Charles, the prince of Wales will become the king of England. When Prince charles (the future king) will perish, his oldest son William will become the king.

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