    Which carpet will be good in the reception area of the hotel?

    I wanted to know which carpet will be good at the reception area of the hotel Oriental carpet, or a Plastic carpet. I'm confused please suggest advice.

    +1  Views: 1897 Answers: 5 Posted: 9 years ago

    5 Answers

    Plastic might set off a negative tone.  Unless of course, that is what you are going for.

    Image result for reception area carpets in hotels images

    This is a reception area in a Hilton Hotel.  The Hilton Hotel chain seems pretty successful.  ... Just a thought.

    Image result for reception area carpets in hotels images

    Image result for reception area carpets in hotels images

    Image result for reception area carpets in hotels images

    Image result for reception area carpets in hotels images

    And, a few more... not Hilton.  Go on line, Google search different hotel chains and go from there.  No need to be confused.


    Plastic? Well okay but you might find your guests lying on the floor before they even get to the check in area. Plastic is a little slippery I think. These are, however, very colorful and they'll match any color scheme you have.


     A red carpet that you role out for all the celebrities.

    A friend of mine who got married  last week had a Red carpet with white stripes,but then again he was a barber  and his bride to be was a hairdresser,come to think of it It was a white carpet with red stripes,


    I'm glad they weren't both morticians!

    That would be a grave mistake ,Miss Ducky to have a red and white carpet if they were both Mortician

    Oh no black. :(

    I suggest a red carpet.

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