    My son and his wife are joined at the hip....

    and the kids have to go everywhere with them, so no playtime or naptime, and today she had the kids in the van at my house, watching her husband unload bricks from his truck into my yard. She refused twice my invitation to come inside.

    What is wrong with these people????

    +4  Views: 1308 Answers: 4 Posted: 9 years ago

    4 Answers

    Each person in a couple needs to have their own interests and be apart at times. Apparently, not every couple feels that way, especially when they are young. It might have something to do with needing control but could it be caused by one or both, feeling insecure? Maybe s/he will feel more confident soon.


    He's opening his recycling center very soon. She's going to have 5 kids all day. Is she going to drive across town with the kids and sit there all day? She's talking about sending his boy to preschool. His daughters will be K and 1st grade, so she'll just have her and their daughter. If she could put those 3 in after school day care, I believe she wouldn't blink an eye.

    Would your son really mind if she "mysteriously disappeared"?
    She constantly sounds like a hideous woman.

    I know a few people, and they're relatively cheap. ;)


    Let me give it some serious thought.

    I know two couples exactly like this Bobette.  And, I can honestly say, that I don't understand but both couples seem blissful in their existence.

    Image result for black veil tailed guppies images

    Oh no... not true, I know one more couple however, the female of the couple has severe control issues.  Now, that I think about it' the same is true in couple number two and in couple number one, it is the male. 


    In couple number three the male continually says, "Happy wife is a happy life.".


    She is the dominant one, and he will have to "grow a pair". I'm most concerned about the children. I felt like they were off limits.

    Do your own thing, live your life and take each day as it comes. There truly is no dealing with a control freak. ... Do not rock the boat or you will become enemy number one.
    I am speaking from experience. ... Hopefully she doesn't think she is really really smart. ... ... That is seriously annoying.

    I think she knows she's not a genius, and my son may be intelligent enough, but is challenged in money management and common sense, not to mention women.
    I have to simply take kids when I can and enjoy.

    Your sons do seem to find them. :( ... Not to mention jumping in quickly.

    The youngest has a college girl now (yaaaa), and he's enrolling in classes! FINALLY!

    Now, that is wonderful news. ...:)
    I have given each of my children 33% reserving the last 1% for my self. So far, I am at 33% and I am really hoping for 66%... I am almost there. The last 33% is up to the Universe (Man Upstairs).
    Each day I remember how thankful I am, how blessed I am and send a little prayer out for all three.

    sounds like my brother's wife.


    How does he handle this? I'd think your brother's kids would be adults by now??

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