    Which would you rather be?

    1) An Elf

    2) A Hobbit

    3) R2D2

    4) Donald Trump

    5) Spock

    6) Imelda Marcos

    7) A Pez

    8) A stand up comedian

    9) A Czechoslovakian

    10) A coconut

    Long answers are completely acceptable and encouraged. 

    +8  Views: 1325 Answers: 14 Posted: 9 years ago

    14 Answers

    Being a mystical type of person I would be an Elf. I would love to get amongst it with the Fairies and Pixies in the garden.





    It would be grand. :)

    Definitely a Hobbit, Bilbo Baggins is my favourite, did you know there was a Scottish band called Bilbo Baggins too? Very popular back in the day.



    Check em out...


    Did you know that Bilbo had a sister called Dildo Doggins?

    Nom, you can be soooooooooooooooooo rude!

    @The King of the Fleas.............. OH MY! ... on one thousand levels.

    Fishy, Ms Doggins comes from the town of Dildo in Newfoundland, so I don't understand your comment.

    Newfies live far, far away from the Fraser Valley. Most of us here don't understand a Newfie and it's not for a lack of trying. Which is also why they have a town named precisely that.

    #8 for me. Travel and the challenges of new material and competition.  But, I could end up with my own television show, and that might be an adventure!


    I do like #8 the best. And, I do like it for the same reasons you do. No day would be boring. Challenges are grand.

    A Coconut, that way i could end my days hanging from a palm with the rest of the nuts in northern Queensland hoping to be renamed 'Wilson'' by a derelict. :)


    This answer is beyond funny!!!!
    Thanks for my laugh of the day.

    #8, comedian.


    Most popular!

    In High school I was an insecure nerd, never had a date, much less a girl friend. So I would choose Donald Trump, but just for one day, September 12th of this year. I would go to our 55th class reunion and introduce my lovely wife Melania to all my jealous classmates... Then the next day I'd revert back to my boring self and let Donald continue his pipe dream of becoming president.


    :) Not only do you sound to be very blessed, you are also very funny. I do believe you can go as yourself and receive the same results. ... Everyone really is an insecure nerd in High School because it is a nightmare. That is why so many movies have been made about the subject.

    Boring? I think not.

    An elf, because I wouldn't mind living in a tree and baking cookies all day long!



    Ha! I am loving these random questions... the answers are hilarious!
    Have a wonderful day witchway and thanks!

    #8...Stand up comedian

    Would like..... to make people laugh; to have fun on the job everyday; to be challenged to improve my routine; to make people happy for a half hour or so; to be the center of attention "at work"; to hear the applause.

    Would NOT like..... the expectation of always being on/funny.

    When do I start?



    You have the job. There is no pay and I picked Pez just because it is the strangest of choices. I could be the straight guy!

    I want fun AND money!

    The ultimate dream :)



    Bit of a mix here really, 1,2 & 8 spring to mind, and they tell me he loved his shoes too.

    Gotta love the power or MIND MELD even when it applies to rocks.

    ... lends a whole new meaning to gettin; stoned ... lol
    Donald Trump,so I could say to. People Keep your hair on,

    # 10. A coconut for all the various health reasons plus one very interesting reason I wont mention here. LOL

    #6) Imelda. Perhaps I could pick out a pair of shoes that don’t give me blisters…….


    A stand up comedian,,there is not much you can do better in life than make someone laugh,,it can cure most problems,even if only for a little while..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..Stock Photo - Joker. Fotosearch - Search Stock Images, Poster Photographs, Pictures, and Clip Art Photos

    Trump. He's rich and has an exciting life.

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