Thanks Ducky for remembering our special day. :)
9 Answers
9 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
Ye think??????
Time friggin flies, I love her to bits and beyond, if only I could remember where the bits are.
Time friggin flies, I love her to bits and beyond, if only I could remember where the bits are.

LOL...You're surrounded by my bits ROMOS. A little bit of this and a little bit of that. :)
Thanks Tommyh.
Thanks Tommyh.

Being a Ranger's fan I know you know this one honey. :) Listen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ninFK8jzk7E
Literally seems like only yesterday, truly. Perhaps I would have known sooner if either of you would ever answer your Skypes. Oh, well. Congratulations for still being alive!
9 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
Nobody ever asked me to skype :-( . I would have bought skype if I 'd know thath you all were skyping eachother.

Nothing personal MCM. Roy is not here most days and with the warmer weather I've been staying very busy and by the time I sit down to relax my brain is tired. LOL
MCM Skype is free. You sign up for it and we'll video.
MCM Skype is free. You sign up for it and we'll video.
Happy Anniversary, CB ( not sure of your first name ) and Roy . Glad you have found happiness in your soul mate-ness. Most people never have that. I feel proud, that something so meaningful came out of our collective efforts to stick together and form this "club "
9 years ago. Rating: 5 | |

. I agree with you MCM. The first time I heard Roy's voice on Skype (before I had a camera) I was drawn to him. I knew I wanted to be with him, but I was afraid to tell him how I felt. Turns out he felt the same way.

The first time I read Roy's humorous, sarcastic responses, I was drawn to him too. I said to myself, "Hey, I think I've just found a long, lost relative". lol

The two of you are a perfect match with your sarcastic humour. Your little brother and I love you to bits. LOL (Bits)!
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