    My question: Charleston Shootings. How do you feel about gun laws now?

    I feel American gun laws are completely ridiculous.  What about you?

    +2  Views: 1139 Answers: 12 Posted: 9 years ago

    The gift that keeps on giving.
    I am fairly certain that each of the victims were people of peace, love, family oriented and doing the best work that they possibly could do.
    One gun.
    It also is "shootings" not "shooting" as the man fired his gun more than once.


    I think I owe you about 6 TUs for this one fishy.I agree totally

    I feel strongly about this. No one needs to die randomly because of misplaced anger. No one needs to carry a gun.

    I think we're being ganged up on, my fellow Americans .

    Not really M-Cat.... America suffers with the ailment of Gun Mentality. Civilized people think it's a tad over the top. No big deal, it's not as if America will ever change and we all know America is always right. That would be why America is so darned popular.

    @mcm...No, I think that other countries think that the U.S. has an obsession with guns due to the oft repeated "right to bear arms" and "if guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns". It might be a good idea for Americans to stop, think and re-think their stand and stop believing that everyone should have a gun "for protection". The days of the wild, wild west should be long gone! Sadly, in the U.S., they are not!
    P.S. I have American friends and have been in American homes where their shot guns are propped up at the front and back doors and their hand guns are in the kitchen drawer and glove compartment of their cars. We simply don't agree on this gun issue.

    BTW mcm, does every American gun owner know about the proper handling of all kinds of guns along with safety issues? Highly unlikely. Just keep it loaded and pull the trigger when necessary?

    M-Cat; I agree with Ducky. We simply don't agree on this gun issue. I highly doubt that every single American that owns a gun has proper training on how to use/not use the weapon.

    12 Answers

    Antiquated law that rules the roost, sad but true.


    It is sick.

    If we outlaw guns, the only ones that will have guns are outlaws. No one will take my guns away.


    Our criminals have guns as well. Your 'everybody' have guns. This nut job got one as a birthday present. ... We buy appropriate gifts.
    Completely innocent people died while in Bible study and you are not outraged. Children die in school and you are not outraged.
    I do hope you are at least outraged when two foreign men plant bombs at the Boston Marathon. .... now, that ticks Americans off doesn't it?
    Different day, same subject.

    It's a coincidence you should say that, Fishy, i said the same thing to my wife, the Americans were really upset with the Boston bombings which i don't blame them, but i cannot see any difference to mass killings by crazies with Guns, when are they going to wake up and ban guns altogether, they are the only country that i know of that has mass shootings virtually every week.

    We don't as Canadians grow up knowing where to buy a gun. There are some that do because they hunt animals, a small part of the population. Gun owning is not part of our culture and it does not make sense.

    The man had to re-load. This crime is beyond the beyond.
    The United States of America is the only country that embraces mass shootings of completely innocent people as a result of their gun laws as a normal part of every day living.
    The regular 'every day kind of person', in the free world, thinks that policy is beyond outrageous.

    i just went into google to find out how many have been killed in mass shootings,since 1996, approx 95 percent are students, a staggering 214, of course this does not include homicides by guns in individual incidents which runs into thousands, after all the so called patriots dressed as in indians at the Boston tea Party in today's society could be regarded as Terrorists.

    FISH-O ... I have always had the utmost respect for you and your answers, but for you to attack me and all Americans might change my opinion. How dare you infer that I (we) are not outraged by these killings! I respect your views on the subject but would expect you to respect mine.


    I do respect you Flip, I don't respect America's gun laws. I believe life is a precious gift. It saddens me that these horrific crimes happen to innocent people because of the right to bear arms. No one else had a gun in that room because they didn't think they needed to and rightly so, they were in the house of the Lord.
    The sad thing is, this type of crime will happen again and again and again in your country and carrying a gun will still be just fine.

    I am sorry if I upset you Flip. I do have very strong opinions about guns and innocent people dying. But, then again planes are also a weapon... they teach that in the Canadian Air force and they are correct.

    @Tabby-Tabs... what does the word, "aman" mean? Are you referring to J.R.R. Tolkien?

    Watch this and try not to cry:

    Again Flip, I am sorry that I have upset you however, nothing can bring those well loved people back.

    He received cash for his birthday and bought the gun himself.

    I agree with with Fish, we are not having a go at you personnaly. it is just your gun laws are so out of date with the rest of the planet.

    Whatever people are brought up to believe, is usually what they believe for forever and ever and ever, no matter how things change. All the research, statistics, changing attitudes, increased violence, will not change a person's mind. The quote about "only outlaws having guns" was first said to my father (speaking with his American brother-in-law) about 50 years ago. I remember him (my father) saying, "Americans are so stubborn about their love of guns". Was he right? Is there another country who agrees with the U.S.A. and if so, how is that country doing? I don't know. I'm asking. I'm Canadian of course, so we are raised very differently re: the love of guns.

    Oh no, I'm making no excuse for him having a gun. I can't apply sympathy to his deranged, deluded, and diseased mind and support any kind of mercy. There has to be a line somewhere, and this is so far past it, it's become the horizon.

    I apply empathy Bobette. However, that type of sickness should never be associated with weapons. I clearly look at weapons in a very different way. Any single thing including our words can be a weapon. We, as human beings, can even hurt people with a look.

    Normal people don't kill each other and normal people care about their families. Normal people actually care about neighbours. That is how a healthy society works.

    I do not care for guns. I also have a problem with our so called health-care system that seems to do nothing about helping with the mental health issues. I believe that is the real problem that everyone seems to be dancing around. Take away the guns will help, but it will make people use other methods to kill. Should we take away all the knives, shovels and 2 x 4's? We need a new paradigm to follow, as this is clearly not working in the U.S.

    My aunt and uncle own a stockpile of guns, they hunt and eat their kill. He is also in the police dept. I own a gun, a rare model worth a lot of money. I love it, I love guns and have been known to kill off many a tin can. My 9mms was a personal gift, don't make me shoot you for trying to take it away......

    As long as there's no karma to double up on....I read a news report about the church shootings in NC and am listening to updates.

    The devil's uncle has volunteered to be the executioner. People of every color and every faith have joined together in mourning, sympathy, and support, from the highest political pundit to the most humble.

    Sadly, the area president of the NAACP isn't being benign and may stimulate civil disobedience.  What this genius seems to lack is an understanding that a riot and destruction of businesses isn't going to change anything for the better. 

    A better strategy would be encouraging the continued support of the citizenry and demonstrating how people of all colors and faiths unite and support each other in times of tragedy. I can't imagine where you'd find a group of people applauding the massacre who are willing to show their faces and provide their names and addresses.


    The government of the United States of America permitted this tragedy to happen based upon an antiquated right. ...It will keep on happening.

    I have no idea why it keeps on happening and nothing has changed.

    In case anyone's interested, since we're on the topic of guns, a black guy shot 11 other black people at a neighborhood basketball game last weekend in Detroit.. A few of them died. You won't see that on the national news or international news.

    My son owns a number of guns, which are kept locked in a safe. He goes to a shooting range to enjoy using them. I wouldn't want to deprive him from using guns safely and responsibly.  

    There is no simple, easy answer to a growing problem, as far as I can see, but I would be very glad to read any practical suggestions.  We already know "the bad guys" are going to have them. How do you keep them out of the hands of Columbine, Sandy Hook, Emanuel Church...?


    I think gun laws should be more strict. It's too easy to buy a hand gun. Hand guns are only for killing people. On the other hand, I want to get one for home protection.


    You would actually shoot and kill another person? You do realize that a lot of blood is involved. Or, do you think that you are such a sharp shot that you could knee cap someone? Knee caps are replaceable.

    It hasn't changed because of this. They are way too lax.

    In a country where there are as many guns as people these crimes are inevitable. The NRA will never ban guns and will say that guns stop crime.Just accept that in the USA mass killings are a normal part of life, so live with them. (Or die with them).


    Zackly, sad and true.

    Yes, sad and true.


    I don't think people should buy guns just for the helluv it. I think it's ok to buy ONE for home protection.

    MCM, I've got nothing for protection of my home other than just ME, saying that, I'm 99% positive no person carrying out a robbery in my home will be carrying a gun, same can't be said in the USA sadly.

    I agree with Romos. It is a very rare thing when someone committing a robbery in Canada is actually carrying a gun. There is a thing called, "Gun Mentality" and it happens in the United States.

    All I can offer is background checks and mental health assurance......


    Due Diligence. In this case, he didn't even buy the gun himself. It was a birthday present.

    The magnitude of stupidity is astounding.

    jh, the criminals will just go around the corner and buy a gun at a pawn shop.

    It wasn't a gift fishy-poo, he bought it himself......

    I imagine the media should get the facts straight before reporting.

    Look at us, we are almost back to how the site used to be, healthy debates without interference  I like it! :) -- ps TU's to all of you it is a pity i can't click it.


    TU :)

    I think we can live without thumbs ups .

    I received a message from admin. Google has lowered our status. Admin is attempting to raise the ranking but not promising anything.

    So Google thinks we are "less than"? Well, shame on them. :(((

    It doesn't have anything to do with "us". I took a seminar in which the teacher explained how Google views websites. It has to do with the representation, integrity and performance of the company that owns the website as well as how the website is basically handled on a public search engine. In a nutshell, if you don't make them happy and conduct yourself within a certain pre-determined and clearly laid out spectrum, Google gets ticked off.

    Oh no, surely not "us" as in "us"!!! I meant "us" as in THEM.....akaQA. lol

    AkaQA has lost it's Googliness.

    And of course, there is nothing worse than gone googliness!!! :(((

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