17 Answers
I think I have a dry sense of humour, at least this is what I've bee told.
EXAMPLE: When my son was young enough to still be in a high chair we were having dinner one night at my ex husbands parents house. Fish fillets were served for dinner and my son was sitting in the high chair when he stuck his piece of fish into his glass of tea and stirred it (Pieces of fish floating).When his grandmother asked him why he stuck fish in his tea I interrupted and said," He wanted to see if the fish can still swim". My mother in law gave me a strange look because she did not get the joke. There were 8 of us setting at the table and only 2 people got the joke. I asked my husband about it later that night and he told me I have a very dry sense of humour.
What do you think????
9 years ago. Rating: 14 | |
Sarcastically quick, not everyone gets me at times, makes me chuckle to myself though.
9 years ago. Rating: 13 | |
Sarcastic but not meant to be cruel. Some do not "get" sarcasm so they either get upset or they need an explanation. ("What do you mean"?) Bright people always get it. I like being around them....no explanation required. :)))
9 years ago. Rating: 13 | |

... absolutely one-liner goofballness with a major smattering of nutbar and a touch of slapstick passed down genetically from generation to generation !
9 years ago. Rating: 13 | |
A humorous account of our expedition: amusing, funny, comic, comical, entertaining, diverting, witty, jocular, jocose, lighthearted, tongue-in-cheek, wry, facetious, laughable, risible; hilarious, uproarious, riotous, zany, farcical, droll; informal priceless, side-splitting, gut-busting, rib-tickling, knee-slapping, thigh-slapping. ANTONYMS serious. I try to be humorous and am too often taken seriously as I wander indulgently into the deep morasses of improbability and objectional mire of "ant it awful" in black and blood. "True Blood" is a comedy to me, as well, so much more. I have no fear, so many things I see and know of are humerous. I also see many sad things that others think of as being happy and satisfying...like those whose life is lived in an a repeating cycle of love-hate-rage-rejection-blame-guilt-sorrow-loss-vengence-denial-discover-fear-hopefulness-and so on to repeat the same basic patterns over and over, again and again.
9 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
I don't like cruel humor. it tickles me when kids see the humor in things and they laugh, particularly when playing with each other. I like a witty standup comedians, that can take a serious topic and make it funny, like Robin Williams, Andrew Norelli, Chris Rock, Rosanne Barr. People with funny names tickle me and funny walks have always been amusing since I was a kid. Today I met a lady at the health food store who is taking care of her ill husband. well she said she is tired of it and does not have time to do things for herself. we were laughing away. well some things are so true and troublesome that they are actually funny. I call it deep truth and deep truth is real funny to me. As a matter of fact horror movies tend to be funny to me, even though I don't watch them to often, too funny and scary.
8 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
as people are getting older it's a lot of funny walks going around my city. sometimes I ask people what caused them to walk like that. they actually tell you. some say surgery, car accident, etc., bad sex position. (no bad sex position is actually my imagination).