8 Answers
Hi Tommy! No vote ups left for me.
Now, in addition, many times when I try to comment or post an answer, I get kicked out and have to log in again, then do it all over. My "Thank author" doesn't work either. Downright annoying.
9 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
P.S. I used "Contact" at the bottom of this page.
My TU will then be discriminate ly disbursed.
I don't think anyone is getting new vote ups. When you run out, that's it. This site reminds me of a broken toy. The kids still play with it, but.....
I hope you and Maggie are doing well. It's pushing winter time for you?
9 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
G'day Tom, i have 6 tu's left and that is it, where do we go from here and where has my adversary gone, hav'nt heard a word from her. :)
9 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
I'm still giving TU's at the moment, not sure if anyone has been receiving them. Does this mean we are all doomed.
The end is nie we're all doomed Mr Mannering . ( quote from Dad's Army incase you've not seen the programme down under)
9 years ago. Rating: 2 | |