    Question for cat owners and former cat owners.......

    Why does my cat , Molly keep looking me right in the eye and keep meowing at me ? I fed her, I brushed her, I played with her., I held her,  I let her out.I let her lead me and she led me around in circles in the living room.

    I don't know what she wants!!

    +5  Views: 1258 Answers: 6 Posted: 9 years ago
    Tags: cats

    6 Answers

    Its got you wrapped round its little paw.


    that's true . They were all 3 spoiled, but the one, my only boy died back in Oct :'-(

    She is saying" Hi Mom! Do you love me?"


    that's probably it. When I pick her up, she purrs, but she acts like she can't wait to get down. she does quiet down tho.( for a while )

    Dump Felix and get a dog. 


    I like dogs, but they eat your furniture, socks,slippers, tennis balls, string, checkers, etc .

    She is trying to say she has worms.


    haven't seen any worms in her poop lately. But, i'll look at it again tonight.

    Perhaps she knows something you don't.....

    Great answers from everyone, and very helpful, too. Peanut has those times, too, and the first thing I do is make sure she has fresh water and food, and her litter box is clean.  From there, it's necessary that I sit or lie down, so she can curl up next to me. That shuts her up immediately. 


    That's prob what Molly wanted. She does it while I'm sitting on the kitchen chair......where she can't curl up next to me. So that's the answer. I ck'ed her food and water and lit box , too, when she meows a lot.

    Cats are so much more cuddly than people think. Mine is right beside me all the time. Sweet, really

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