4 Answers
From my limited knowledge and common sense,,i would say no,,and why would he..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..
9 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
Ok, last inning in junior high game, two outs , runner on second and third. Winning run on third. Next two batters up to bat cant hit at all. We practiced this in practice if it ever came up.Could not find answer if illegaI in rules. The sign was given to kids on base and it worked. Runner on second started running to first and was safe at first, bad throw by catcher. The runner on third ran home without any play back to catcher. Runner safe and game won. Umpires had no ruling because never heard or seen this type of play. My guess there is a ruling though.
Baseball Rule Book: 7.00 The Runner
7.01 A runner acquires the right to an unoccupied base when he touches it before he is out. He is then entitled to it until he is put out, or forced to vacate it for another runner legally entitled to that base. If a runner legally acquires title to a base, and the pitcher assumes his pitching position, the runner may not return to a previously occupied base. Does this answer the question Zorro..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..
7.01 A runner acquires the right to an unoccupied base when he touches it before he is out. He is then entitled to it until he is put out, or forced to vacate it for another runner legally entitled to that base. If a runner legally acquires title to a base, and the pitcher assumes his pitching position, the runner may not return to a previously occupied base. Does this answer the question Zorro..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..
Zorro,this is the whole rule..>>>>>>><<<<<<<<.. http://www.baseball-almanac.com/rule7.shtml
i) After he has acquired legal possession of a base, he runs the bases in reverse order for the purpose of confusing the defense or making a travesty of the game. The umpire shall immediately call "Time" and declare the runner out; If a runner touches an unoccupied base and then thinks the ball was caught or is decoyed into returning to the base he last touched, he may be put out running back to that base, but if he reaches the previously occupied base safely he cannot be put out while in contact with that base. Roy, the way i read this rule,i reckon he is out,,But others who no more about this game will decide,,Maybe Zorro..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<< it does have a lot of similar rules to cricket regarding the ball being dead..>>>>>>>><<<<<<
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