    Do you know some tips for conductor of industrial crane?

    0  Views: 956 Answers: 2 Posted: 9 years ago
    Tags: crane

    2 Answers

    Just a small question,,are you 2 working together on this..?????>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    There are many kinds of industrial cranes, LB Explosion Proof Single Girder Crane,QD Double Girder Bridge Crane,1.0 Mini Crawler Crane,etc. There are some common tips for the conductor.
    1. The conductors must explain the job clearly to the staffs. If the operation personnel can’t see the command signals, there will be a transmitter to help them.
    2. The gestures should be clear, signals should be explicit. Don’t use gloves during the conduct.
    3 Check out the binding situation before lifting loads; be sure that Pads is used at the edges, corners, and cuts where the ropes pass by; there are no wrap, lower or sidelong phenomenon under the stress of weight, and the center of gravity of lifting keeps precisely.
    4. The operation staff can’t leave his working post without getting a replacement before fixing the suspended loads. Don’t stop working with the rigging is stressing or the loads still hangs in the air.
    5. The conductor should take actions to reduce the overload when the operation staffs refuse to lifting with overweight. No privilege in overload operation.

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