12 Answers
Happy Belated Birthday!
Your Birthdate: May 12, 1962. Here is what you need to know:
- Sign of the Zodiac: Taurus
- Birth Flower: Hawthorn/Lily of the Valley
- Symbolization of Flower: Happiness, humility, sweetness
- Chinese Year of the Tiger
- Birthstone: Emerald
Estimated population growth in the world in your lifetime: 4,078,955,621 people
Billboard top songs at the beginning of the year you were born:
- Pop: Tossin' and Turnin' by Bobby Lewis
- Hip Hop/Blues: Tossin' and Turnin' by Bobby Lewis
- Country: I Fall to Pieces by Patsy Cline
Billboard top songs at the end of the year you were born:
- Pop: Stranger on the Shore by Mr. Acker Bilk
- Hip Hop/Blues: Soul Twist by King Curtis
- Country: Wolverton Mountain by Claude King
Academy Award nominees for Best Picture in 1962
The winner was: Lawrence of Arabia
Other nominees for Best Picture were:
- The Longest Day
- The Music Man
- Mutiny on the Bounty
- To Kill a Mockingbird
Winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1962: Linus Carl Pauling
Time Magazine's Man of the Year for 1962: Pope John XXIII
Best Selling NonFiction Book in the U.S. in 1962: Calories Don't Count by Herman Taler
Some world leaders at the end of 1962:
- United States - President: John F. Kennedy - Democrat
- Britain - Prime Minister: Harold Macmillan - Conservative
- Canada - Prime Minister: John Diefenbaker
- Australia - Prime Minister: Robert Menzies - United Australia
- India - Prime Minister: Jawaharlal Nehru
- Mexico - President: Adolfo López Mateo
Happy Birthday in Binary Code is 010010000110000101110000011100000111100100100000
9 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
Wishing you an amazing year.