    HAPPY BIRTHDAY..........

    Pythonlover! Hope you have a lovely day! :) 


    +7  Views: 2811 Answers: 12 Posted: 9 years ago
    terryfossil 1

    Colleen, sorry to ask a question on Python's birthday post,,I went to bed last night with no vote up's left,and i did not think i had used them up,however i woke up this morning and still do not have any vote up points,,Can this be explained..???????..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Sorry Terry, I cannot answer that. You will have to contact the admin as they handle TUs. I can only suggest logging out and logging in again to see if they reset. Or wait 24 hours as they reset every 24 hours.
    terryfossil 1

    I did try log in log out,,i will wait 24 hr and see what happens,,,thanks..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    12 Answers

    Happy, happy, pyth! This calls for a celebration! And may it last a week.... Thinking of you on this day and will add a picture when not on this tablet.....

    Happy Birthday PL, let's play a game with KOTF...........


    Sorry MCM, just a wee bit fun darlin.


    That's not nice :-(

    "" A pretty boy for a pretty girl,,,Happy birthday Python,,,Go bake in the sun like a Python,,,hope you have many more..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Hope it was as special as your Mother's Day and the year ahead holds all kind of good stuff!


    Happy Birthday pythonlover! Have a GREAT day!


    Happy Blessed Birthday, Pythie. May all your birthdays be happy and healthy .

    Happy birthday python, sorry it's a bit late. Hope you had a great day.

    ""Happy Birthday from the Northern Hemisphere!


    Another cake ?Thankyou Clonge.

    Happy Belated Birthday!


    Your Birthdate: May 12, 1962.  Here is what you need to know:

    • Sign of the Zodiac: Taurus

    • Birth Flower: Hawthorn/Lily of the Valley

    • Symbolization of Flower: Happiness, humility, sweetness

    • Chinese Year of the Tiger

    • Birthstone: Emerald

    Estimated population growth in the world in your lifetime: 4,078,955,621 people

    Billboard top songs at the beginning of the year you were born:

    • Pop: Tossin' and Turnin' by Bobby Lewis

    • Hip Hop/Blues: Tossin' and Turnin' by Bobby Lewis

    • Country: I Fall to Pieces by Patsy Cline

    Billboard top songs at the end of the year you were born:

    • Pop: Stranger on the Shore by Mr. Acker Bilk

    • Hip Hop/Blues: Soul Twist by King Curtis

    • Country: Wolverton Mountain by Claude King 

    Academy Award nominees for Best Picture in 1962
    The winner was: Lawrence of Arabia

    Other nominees for Best Picture were:

    • The Longest Day

    • The Music Man

    • Mutiny on the Bounty

    • To Kill a Mockingbird

    Winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1962: Linus Carl Pauling

    Time Magazine's Man of the Year for 1962: Pope John XXIII

    Best Selling NonFiction Book in the U.S. in 1962: Calories Don't Count by Herman Taler 

    Some world leaders at the end of 1962:

    • United States - President: John F. Kennedy - Democrat

    • Britain - Prime Minister: Harold Macmillan - Conservative

    • Canada - Prime Minister: John Diefenbaker

    • Australia - Prime Minister: Robert Menzies - United Australia

    • India - Prime Minister: Jawaharlal Nehru

    • Mexico - President: Adolfo López Mateo

    Happy Birthday in Binary Code is 010010000110000101110000011100000111100100100000



    Interesting. Thanks for that Chellanne.
    terryfossil 1

    You seem to have done a lot of work there Chell..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    How interesting. Happy birthday, very belated Python. I have just found this thread.
    Wishing you an amazing year.

    Thanks FISH-O.

    Happy Belated Birthday Python.


    Aww, that cake looks so nice.Thankyou

    that's beautiful..........even if there is a snake's head on it.

    After all that cake, you need something healthy!


    I hope you enjoyed your birthday, PL.


    Yes Ducky I did. Thankyou.

    Happy Birthday!!!

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