    Why did Bruce Jenner take so long to transtition to a female ?

    It's not due to  lack of funds.

    He said he was thinking about it as long as he can remember.

    +4  Views: 857 Answers: 10 Posted: 9 years ago
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    10 Answers

    He had to finish his apprenticeship, it seems to have been successful.



    Why didn't he start his apprenticeship in his 20s or 30s ?

    He had to experience the Kardashian women first, just to be sure, you understand!

    It's not an overnight process. First, you have to be sure. Second, you have to sure. Third, you have to be sure. Then you start training....


    that makes sense. Sorry Romos....... I guess that's what you meant .

    I'm pretty sure that Barbara Walters will ask all the pertinent questions on her ABC special, Friday night. What a way for anyone to be in the spotlight...olympic athlete, then the Kardashians, now this.


    Glad you reminded us of that, Duckster. I'll have to watch it tomorrow night. I thought they said she retired. One tabloid said she was losing her marbles.

    You believe tabloids? Really?
    country bumpkin

    I believe Diane Sawyer interviewed him.

    You're right. It is Diane Sawyer, not Barbara Walters. (I've only seen the ad for the upcoming special about 200 times. lol)

    "Loosing her marbles"? Really? That is sad M-Cat. Hopefully you never feel the onset of dementia. It is a horrific way to slowly die.

    No idea,,i think he is always going to look like a man in a dress,,no matter how much lipstick and stuff they put on him..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..


    Self deception. Very sad indeed.
    terryfossil 1

    Each to his own Duck,,Each to his own..>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    He got his adam's apple shaved off. And prob got his facial skin planed
    And he's going to be a very tall woman .
    terryfossil 1

    MCM,God made him man,he didn't like so he makes himself woman,,Well that one is between him and his God.. If he has one..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    @terryfossil. I agree with you. God created this whole mess. Why couldn't He have "made" him a woman in the first place ?
    terryfossil 1

    Digger,then he would probably want to be a man,there is no pleasing some people..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Yes and what's her name going to be Brucilla?

    His name is now Caitlyn, Sunny. I should have said, "Her name... ". And, his makeup table has far more ingredients on it than mine does.
    I must say having personal body parts cut off and changed for ever takes a lot of guts. It is beyond imagining for moi.

    Women always take forever to make up their minds.


    Mr. - - - (You know.)

    I'll take the letter......P for $1000 , please.

    he was busy living the life he was living. now he is ready to live another life. we should all be that courageous . . . trying to be who we are and at the same time keeping our families happy.

    He's been stuck between a rock and a hard place for decades.



    Waiting for the hormone's to work maybe ?

    There has been the spotlight of being the best male athlete in the world shining on him for years. Living the image the world had of him instead of the image and feelings he had of himself have taken decades to trade places in the "What's more important in this very short time we have on earth" debate. 

    Probably did a lot of shopping, had nails done, Tupperware parties...


    You are hilarious... that is obviously what all women do. You forgot the goat's milk making soap and the catering to men part.

    And don't forget the hooking of rugs, crocheting of doilies and preparing of bees wax candles. I do love these activities so much. I can't wait until morning each day so I can continue on with my projects.

    Didn't cater to men. Inve$ted Kim's substantial a**ets so they became even bigger.

    Kim has made a lot of money on what most people would consider less than assets. ... and the people who follow her actually may have less than that.
    How sad.
    There are so many brilliant thinkers rolling over in their graves.
    Oooops, if I don't follow her I have become a "Hater". ... now having a thinking mind is a bad thing.

    Shoot! I should care about Tweets or something related to that.

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