    Well its coming , you think frozen embryos is troubling, the first human head transplant is soon to be tried. How does that make you feel?

    I think the spinal cord could be the biggest problem, not enough scientific knowledge to connect. Scientists say within two years, will be tried. I just don't see it being successful in my lifetime.

    +3  Views: 628 Answers: 8 Posted: 9 years ago

    8 Answers

    Makes me ill to even think about it.           :(


    me too.

    Well, I wish them power to make it so. Einstein could still be with us, filthy rich folks would live forever.... 

    I ok with that if they were to try it on some on the ISIS  terrorist ! 

    Head many options...can I have two?....two of everything?...that would be messy. I think the life expectancy of the patient would be significantly abbreviated. Of course this could be the punishment for have their victims body removed and the head goes to the healthy villains body....And then there are all those healthy organ transplant options for both bodies as way to ensure justice. But then our judicial system has such a hard time just convicting criminals because of criminals are too often criminals and/or prosecutors themselves.       

    I sincerely hope this is an abject failure and all the Dr. Frankensteins find something else to do....maybe find cures for diabetes, heart disease, cancer, kidney failure, macular degeneration, m.s., epilepsy, bipolar disorder, stuff like that...

    My money is on failure..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    I know a lot of peeps that should get a brain transplant.


    Are you aiming that at me? ;-)


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