
    How important is it to know who your mother or father is..would it or should it effect a child..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<

    +2  Views: 1175 Answers: 5 Posted: 9 years ago

    5 Answers

    A child needs both a mother and a father. A boy needs a good  father to model for him how to be a man and how to be a good father. . And a girl needs a good  father to give an idea of how to pick  out a good man to marry and not a loser. A little girl's first exposure to a man who loves her is her father. And it gives her a warm, safe feeling toward men and toward getting married and raising kids.

    Both girls and boys need a mother b/c of the womanly nurturing and unconditional love. A little girl needs her mother to teach her how to be a woman and how to raise kids and treat others. And a mother teaches her daughter how to cook and mend and bake and wash clothes and  clean house, hopefully . She either teachers her methodically, or by modeling or; the girl learns by osmosis.Boys should learn that too from their mother, so they can take care of themselves and their house hold, if necessary .

    Since I do know who my parents were, it's difficult to put myself in that position and express an opinion. I often think though, when I hear adults speak about the biological parents they hope to find, they are in somewhat of a fantasy world. Many parents are NOT what they envision them to be. Parents living right in the home often don't teach their sons and daughters much of anything nor even pay attention to them. The sitcom family portrayed on television, is often far from reality.

    terryfossil 1

    true Duck,,but that does not go for all families,,there are good families out there,,>>>>>>><<<<<<<<

    Of course there are! You may have missed my point. People seeking their biological parents sometimes have a misconception about how wonderful it would have been to have been raised by them.....not necessarily so.
    terryfossil 1

    I do not think it a misconception Duck,because they will never know,you cannot generally go backwards with this sort of thing,,if you grow up without the original parents,it is gone forever,.>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<

    It IS gone forever. Still, it may have been may have been not so may have been awful. As I said, the "sitcom family" rarely exists in reality.
    terryfossil 1

    Duck you are right ,it rarely exists,,but i have seen one,,only one..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<

    it's nice to know, but what is better is to have someone raise you that demonstrates love and respect.

    I have gone 5 years w/o seeing my real dad (and I use the term loosely) as a child. I don't know what I got from him and seriously, don't care. I inherited mannerisms from the replacement that I wouldn't trade for all the money in the world.....


    jh, you inherited mannerisms from your stepfather ?

    Well, I learned a great deal from him.....

    In cases of genetic diseases it is best to know your parents.

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