
    With all the happenings with planes,do you still feel as safe in planes..>>>>>><<<<<<<

    +5  Views: 2403 Answers: 10 Posted: 9 years ago

    I'll try it in the blue area.

    Nope, still doesn't work right, check your skype!
    terryfossil 1

    Got it mate, i will try it out..thanks mate..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    10 Answers

    I often think if I won an overseas holiday I wouldn't be able to accept it. Too scared to fly, gives me anxiety just thinking about it. I've had these thoughts long before all these disasters.

    terryfossil 1

    We have a lot in common there Python,,i have those same feelings,,however i have flown quite a bit,,but it is getting harder,,<<<<<<<>>>>>>>
    country bumpkin

    My younger half sister was deadly afraid of flying until she got a job about a year and a half ago where she had to fly. She hired private planes to fly her around to help her overcome her fears and it worked. I understand most of us can not afford to hire people to fly us around for the heck of it. My point is she faced her fears head on and she was able to conquer them.
    terryfossil 1

    CB, i know what you mean,i do not like snakes,so while in Singapore,i held a white python wrapped around my neck,,it gave me a better understanding of what they feel like..however if i got a King Brown coming my way,he is dead..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<

    I would not worry too much, Pyth, you have more chance of being T-Boned at traffic lights than being in a downed aircraft.

    No problems, I was in the Royal Navy, never had a problem about drowning, I'm not a worrier, que sera sera!

    I haven't flown in years but given the opportunity, I certainly would. Have you noticed that regularly on the news, there are car pile-ups, sink holes, bridges collapsing, transport drivers falling asleep, drunks/druggies driving over the speed limit, incidents of road rage, tailgating, etc.? I try not to fret over things that I cannot control, so I haven't stopped driving either.      :)

    terryfossil 1

    Driving does not bother me, because i am in control of the vehicle,if i have control i feel safer,<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>

    How would you control that transport driver, coming straight at you in your lane? How about the other things that I listed? You may "feel safer" but do you really think you are?
    terryfossil 1

    Yes. at least i can do something ,,>>>>>><<<<<<

    My first flight in 30 years was great but maybe that’s because I was going to see Phyllis!

    This is a photo of us!





    Behind view!
    country bumpkin

    Cool pic. :)

    let's see the front view

    'The End'

    The odds of you getting bit by 4 legged ant are better than crashing in a plane.

    terryfossil 1

    You take the plane Vinny,, i wont die from a 4 legged ant..

    LOL! Ok, but I will get there much faster than you! If you stop and think, one time i heard this-- There are 3,600 commercial airlines in the sky at the same time piloted by highly trained pilots and controlled by sophisticated technology - At the same time on the ground there are 20 million automobiles zipping around 1/3 of them with no license or training and half of that in defective cars and trucks on inferior roads and traffic control. Thousands of people die each year in car/public transportation ground travel and proven your chance of accident and death on the ground is 1 million to 1. Yet, people will reject air travel because its not safe. LOL!!!
    terryfossil 1

    The stats are staggering Vinny, However the stats are only relevant if you are not one of those statistics..i had a car accident that i should not have walked away from..when a plane goes in big time you will not hear that,,and if you need more proof i always fall back on this,,,,If God meant for me to fly,he would have given me wings..and a plane is designed on a bird not a human.having said all that, Venny is gonna wanta holiday somewhere and i will have to fly with her,,because if the plane goes in without me on it,that would be worse than not being on it...Always nice talking Mate..>>>>>>><<<<<<.

    Well I can't argue with your logic. Lottery winning odds are pretty steep as well but someone will win it. Might be you but you can be assured you won't win if you don't play. I guess flying is the same, you won't go down as long as you don't go up. :) I'll buy your reasoning. I buy the logic but not the reasoning. I enjoy our chats as well Terry! Cheers!

    I love to fly with my buddy, he has 3, mostly we go up in the Sesnna Citation


    He has 3 what ?

    3 planes, one 1943 Stearman Biplane, used during WWII as a trainer, a Piper Cub, and the one we go up in the 6 seat Citation. Lots of fun and exciting!

    no. i take Amtrack. 


    tab, too bad it doesn't go north and south, as well as east and west. :-(

    Yes but look for potential problems. I do like riding in hot air balloons.  

    I haven't wanted to fly since the terrorists commandeered 3 of our planes on 9-11-2001.   And before that, in 1987, I lost my taste for flying when a plane over here at Detroit Metropolitan Airport had a plane crash on take-off .......into the viaduct . The pilots didn't have the flaps down, so it didn't get enough lift. Then it burst into flames. .......only one survivor........the little 4 yr old girl who was found alive under the charred body of her mother, who was still strapped into her seat, which was lying upside down on the highway .

    Airline are still the safest way to fly, they only rate news in an accident because of the number of passengers on board, people killed in cars world wide, circa `40,000 in the U.S. alone. i flew six times from Dec to end of January 2015, i felt quite safe each time. your number may be up at anytime ,anywhere. :)

    terryfossil 1

    I have never liked flying Bullet,the latest incidents have only made it harder.>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<

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