    Did your son or daugher ever do sleepwalking ? Did they talk while they were doing it ? Did you do it when you were little or a young teen ?

    or, maybe you saw a sibling sleepwalkinig and talking when you were a kid .

    +5  Views: 1131 Answers: 6 Posted: 9 years ago
    Tags: sleep

    6 Answers

    My brother was famous for it when he was a kid. One night he disappeared completely.My dad found him about a mile away from home.He grew out of it eventually but since that night my parents always locked the doors.

    Funny thing that,i have never seen any of that sort of thing,,however i got married soon after i got of the booze,,one night while sleeping,i grabbed Venny by the hair and sat her up,,she woke me up with her scream,,it has never happened since,,>>>>>>>><<<<<<<.

    I was a sleep walking child....used to wander around the house at night, looking for...."something".          :)


    Duck food?

    One evening, my middle son, about 8 at the time, sleep walked past us. He went through the kitchen and into the laundry area, where he stopped in front of the dryer and opened the side-mounted door.

    When he started to pull down his pajama bottom, we grabbed him and took him to the bathroom.

    This one talked in his sleep, a wealth of information he'd never have divulged when awake.


    I sleep eat NOW or will sit up in bed and hold conversations. Drives James crazy. OF course I have no memory of these episodes. Maybe James is lying?

    I've never been known to sleep walk, but when I was a kid I slept with my eyes open. It used to freak my mother out. :)


    My eldest did that; it freaked out me, too!

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