    Any ideas for making this a better site, with greater public appeal?

    +7  Views: 633 Answers: 5 Posted: 9 years ago

    5 Answers

    I know this has always been a general question & answer forum but I feel that "most" of their advertising has only been the little akaQA icon at the top of some browser pages, when I found it I read the information supplied about the site and understood what it was all about, I don't see that icon on pages any more and I feel that even in busier times most people thought they were asking the actual site they were on a question rather than throwing it out there to a worldwide audience, better advertising must be a good idea (if possible), I've tried to get friends involved but most of them pop in and don't see the appeal when they see a few of the questions we answer and the lack of an immediate type of "chat" facility, I suppose sites like facebook spoil things for sites like this.


    Well put, Romeos.

    Keep up with the icons, that's what got me involved. And the administration ought to give T-shirts out as members reached certain amounts of Karma. T-shirts with the address and something to goose the observer's

    Any business that has a plan to continue operating, will advertise. The only time that advertising is not vital, is if the business is the only one like it. Rare indeed! Since websites and forums are a dime a dozen, this one will not survive because, apparently, they do not believe in advertising. "Appeal" is not the problem. Millions of people do not even know that we exist.

    People can't go to a place that they don't know about, simple as that. 


    I got onto this site via the icon button also which i no longer have,,but i think i was running Internet Explorer then,,maybe that why i no longer have the button,,i like the site and i do hope it continues,,if we get that AKA button back,,i reckon we will see new avatar's...Who do we ask.????? do moderators have better contact with the right people.??????,,anything is better than nothing...>>>>><<<<<<


    When I contacted the administration, I got no answer. Maybe they're asleep at the wheel. :-\
    terryfossil 1

    I have heard that before MCM..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<

    When I first clicked on that icon I asked a relevant question.The only answer I got was a smartassed answer.But I hung around anyhow.Most people don't tho I'm afraid.

    I also made friends with some very,very nice people here.Most people don't tho I'm afraid.


    You got a smarta$$ answer from one of us? I'm shocked! I hope that you've made up for that, during the time you've been here. LOL!!

    Oh No! I got an answer from an 'EXPERT'.
    X being an unknown commodity & a spurt being a drip under pressure.

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