    How should execution be carried out in the USA?

    Companies which produced drugs for execution are no longer doing so; so what techniques should be used? Suggestions include firing squad, guillotine, hanging or asphyxiation in nitrogen.

    +2  Views: 937 Answers: 5 Posted: 9 years ago

    5 Answers

    Feed them to the pigs!


    Throw them in a moat with BIG alligators, and sharks !!

    If execution prevails in the USA then I believe it should be by a bullet to the head.  However, this being the most humane and quick, it has its bad side too, very messy. 

    Semi related;  I don't think the person committed to death should ever  know the date of their departure. It should be punishment in the not knowing when because death itself is not punishment, we all die. 

    Every day, they come to the cell to take you to eat or exercise, never knowing if one day, you end up in front of a firing squad rather than lunch.    Then place the head on a stick at the front gates of your town.   Just as a warning to visitors or new settlers.    

    terryfossil 1

    AH Vinny,then your into torture,why bother killing them,just keep tourturing them..

    The bullet in the head doesn't always kill the person . Look at Congresswoman-- Gabby Gifford.

    Cat!! LOL! A well placed bullet to the head will kill instantly! A bullet from some crazed clown looking idiot higher than mount Everest would not be the person sending the bullet to its target. Gabby was lucky that this idiot didn't know how to shoot. Well placed headshot, the victim feels no pain, lights out, gone! I am saying that I believe this is the most humane way assuming execution is elected method of punishment.

    Terry, I joke around but I am not in favor of torture -- unless there's possibility that the person being tortured has information that would save many lives. I disagree with the do-gooders on this. They say the tortured will give false info to save themselves but this is wrong because the fear of being caught in a lie would result in worse torture or even death. I believe that in WW2 many lives were saved due to 'extracting the truth'.

    This is a 2 sided answer,,if you believe "when your dead your dead" then you will probably want to get the most physical and mental pain out of the person you are killing..however if you believe when your dead "you go to heaven or hell".and considering hell is supposed to be an eternal pain,,then it is up to the individual to choose which is the better sentence,,BTW,,if you kill one innocent person and 10 guilty persons,,then the system is flawed..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<



    The perpetrator should be killed the same way he killed his victim(s)   If it's by torture than, he should be tortured. If it's by setting fire to his victim, then he should be set on fire. If he beat to death a child or woman, then he should be beaten to death slowly.

    terryfossil 1

    An eye for an eye MCM ???????>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<

    For those who are opposed to the death penalty, here is another view. I worked in a prison for a long time. The only thing I can say is people on death row and high security inmates , are very bad bad bad people. I now have the opinion they are using up my oxygen. There is no reason for their existence. Here is my idea.

    terryfossil 1

    Zorro,,your death row laws have murdered some innocent people,,i can only say thank goodness for the invention of DNA testing,, I also spent time in one of those places,,but i think we were on opposite sides of the fence,,i agree there are some bad buggers in there,,,in Australia we hand out life sentences,,i know a bloke who done 15 years for murder,,today he is a productive member of society,,under your law he would be dead,,i will not go into his history,,<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>

    Terry, I am pretty sure there will be exceptions to any situation, the 'bloke' that did 15 years for murder is one such exception. The majority of released 'long term' prisoners end back up in prison within 3 months. (studies have been done on this) As for modern DNA testing and freeing prisoners falsely accused of murder, yes, this is a wonderful thing, but to say we've 'murdered' some innocent people is speculation. Total assumptions based on DNA testing of the living. Our judicial system is IMO one of the finest in the world but it has its flaws, lawyers lie, this is their job, two lawyers standing before a judge/jury one tells truth, the other lies. The job of the judge/jury is to decide who lies and who tells the truth. The American justice system is based on innocent until found guilty--where other countries its guilty until found innocent. Also, the accused may not be tried for the same crime twice if found innocent, if found guilty, the verdict can be appealed and tried twice.
    Look at Amanda Knox, tried in Italy, found innocent and released back to the USA, just last week they decided that something was missed and wanted to retry her case. It fell through though. Nonetheless, people will be accused and found guilty, some may be innocent--->bad lawyer<--- DNA will prove the accused didn't murder but it will not prove the accused had nothing to do with it. They could have hired the killing. So, justice systems will fail. But I believe that 99% is accurate.
    terryfossil 1 99% accurate Vinny???????? Read this link and we will talk some more,,,,Always nice talking mate..>>>>>>><<<<<<<

    Oh yeah, :) I believe that, sorta. New tools of the trade, new promise of success in the courtroom. There's no doubt innocent people have been put to death since the beginning of time, as our justice system evolves and technology brings the tools to decipher which lawyer is lying, less and less false accusations and death of innocents will prevail. Nonetheless, I don't care what judicial system there will always be someone tweaking the truth, regardless of technology and get away with it. meanwhile, our prisons fill up or we allow s'posed non-violent prisoners freedom and many return. This is a catch 22 situation.
    terryfossil 1

    I did not say i had the answer Vinny,,but i did say i do not support death sentence,,because if you kill 1 innocent person,,that is more wrong..>>>>>><<<<<< Always nice talking Vinny..

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