6 Answers
inspire |in?sp?r| verb [ with obj. ] 1 fill (someone) with the urge or ability to do or feel something, especially to do something creative: [ with obj. and infinitive ] : his passion for romantic literature inspired him to begin writing. • create (a feeling, especially a positive one) in a person: their past record does not inspire confidence. • (inspire someone with) animate someone with (such a feeling): he inspired his students with a vision of freedom. • give rise to: the movie was successful enough to inspire a sequel. 2 breathe in (air); inhale.
To inspire a child's interest and enthusiasm by cheerfully doing a task that they may happily follow with you and reflect your pleasure in the result...thus inspiring a child's happy behavior as a normal occupation.
What would you like to do today, my love? .....This, to inspire a happy response.
Unhappy financially poor folk, resourceless and broken-down can be difficult to get out of their rut without inspiration. I usually ask what they enjoyed doing as a child...arts, music, crafts and the like. As they tell me about their happy thoughts, I look for clues that lead to their happy way and suggest ways to bring those happy ways back to their life as a possible enterprise to provide them with their own dream...refreshed and revitalized from the distractions of their failings. Loosing track of our happy dream of life's adventure is truly a dismal failing. So find those happy things you did as a child and in them renew your enthusiasm for a happy life.
10 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
The Bible inspires me.
10 years ago. Rating: 5 | |

See my avatar. Do you know who he is? (Or was).
10 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
Roy.....Bindi sure is & she's a lovely kid.
i am inspired by many people, past and present. i love people that take a small idea and turn it into riches. i like j.lo. also kim kardasian's mom, kris. she taught all her kids how to be successful. i like queen elizabeth and her kids, such great family people, justin bieber, a poor kid that worked until he got rich doing his love, music. athletes that work til success. artist that keep painting. musicians that keep playing. people that are kind to the less fortunate. kids because they think of creating new ways to solve our universal problems. i just found a group call. Run For America, who are training young republicans and democrats how to run for political and abolish gridlock that the older folks in office love.
10 years ago. Rating: 4 | |