
    Can you be good without God,,

    +4  Views: 2305 Answers: 7 Posted: 9 years ago

    7 Answers

    If you mean without God in your life or without even a belief that there is a God, yes. I know many people who are "good" and refuse to even discuss God or they state outright, that they are atheists. I admire that some of them do more good in the world than I, as a believer, do.

    What would be the point? God’s rules are good to live by, inspire a good, healthy, stress free life……..

    terryfossil 1

    No argument from me JH...

    A lot of people who are  are good  don't acknowledge God; but the problem is - - --where are they going to go in the afterlife ?  And while they're alive, Who can they talk to ( pray to ) when they have a serious dilemma / problem that they don't know the answer to , and the outcome of and don't know what to do . And when they're grieving, who can they turn to for comfort ? The beatitudes say.........." blessed are they that  mourn, for they shall be comforted "                                                                      

    i don't think i could be anything without god.

    terryfossil 1

    I believe you are right Tabber,,i can honestly say i would be dead today..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<


    The nature of good reflects the life of Jesus. Deny or denounce all you want, but everything good comes from God. 

    The interpretation of God varies, and giving God the face of those who made human rules to regulate Christianity is not promoting real Christianity. Do some research into the evolution of the papacy...hardly Christian, from what I've learned. 

    terryfossil 1

    Hey Bob,you are right,the roman catholic church was formed after the death of Christ,,before his death,Romans had 12 gods they believed in..And none of them are God the creator..until after the Crucifixion ....however the Romans added some stuff from their pre-christian days to their belief..however that is another debate..>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    I'm working on a paper for my history of Ancient Rome class, with religion as the topic. The Romans emulated the Greeks and "borrowed" their gods, just changing their names. They also took Egyptian gods/desses, Isis, in particular. They had no issue incorporating gods and goddesses from anywhere, deified several emperors, some of their wives, and one emperor deified his male lover.
    Quite a history. But my comment wasn't about their polytheism; it was about the popes who used their faith affiliation to manipulate and discredit. Many of them were power crazed; the inquisition and crusades are evidence of this.
    I may be wrong, but I don't think Christianity was based on sainting people to be prayed to instead of God. Somewhere, the Roman Catholic Church took a detour from what I believe Jesus taught.
    terryfossil 1

    No,you are not wrong,,your last 2 lines of your comment,as far as i am concerned,are 120% correct Bob..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    We serve a GOOD GOD. So, therefore, why be bad when he is good?

    terryfossil 1

    Do you mind if i ask how old you are Boozawee,,,>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<
    terryfossil 1

    Grow older slowly Booza,,,>>>>>><<<<<<<

    Atheists manage to find a way. I know some who have never done anything criminal. Believing in God does not seem to stop people from being bad however. So I guess it does not matter. With or without God, there will be the good and the bad. 

    terryfossil 1

    Colleen, i agree with your point of view except for the Atheists,,there are a lot of people around who declare themselves Atheists,,but there are a lot less of them on their death beds...

    So the Christians claim. I've never seen actual verified evidence that people suddenly convert when they die.
    terryfossil 1

    Colleen, i did not get the claim from Christians,,it was said to me by soldiers down at the RSL if i can find some other evidence i will let you know..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<

    I hear it often enough from Christians. If even one soldier in a foxhole said it, Christians would have a way of expanding it to 1000's of soldiers. Anyway, I do not believe anyone needs a belief in God to be good.

    Many people exaggerate about many things. It isn't just those terrible Christians Colleen! By the way, what exactly is the name of your religion again?

    Where did I say terrible Christians? I've only ever seen the claim made by Christians in the articles I've read and in discussion forums I've been part of. I go by my experience when commenting on a subject.

    Your deep seated negative attitude towards Christians, comes through loud and clear. BTW, you forgot to answer the question I asked you.

    I do not need to answer your question because you demand to know. I also defend Christians. I've recently been in debates where I've been defending them. I'm signed up on a site where people, myself included are trying to find ways to help the Christians being slaughtered by ISIS. I share my religion out of good. I did share it with a member here a couple of years ago hoping it would help some for what he was going through at the time. I'm sure it's been shared to you by this member. I saw it posted here on akaQA by another remember not too long ago so I know you know what it is. I knew it was a dig at me but I ignored it. I did not attack Christianity in my comment to Terry, so you can leave off your attack on me. Thank you.

    No demand here. I simply asked you a question. No attack either. That's just how you continually feel during any discussion. Poor Colleen. :(((((

    Feel better then?
    I'd love to believe this was just a "discussion" between you and I but you and I both know better. ;)
    Have a good night Ducky.

    "you and I both know better". Really? You make it sound as though we actually communicate with each other. LOLOLOLOL!! Sleep tight.

    Just going on your comment of calling this a "discussion". Discussion is not the same as communicating? Anyway, no sense in mincing words. Glad I could make you laugh. :D

    Note: "ANY" discussion with "ANY"opposing views. Goodnight Colleen.

    she wasn't really laughing

    So asking if one can be good without God was pointless. According to the page you gave me, one must be saved by Jesus and forgiven of their sins because being good in life is just not good enough. Well that's your answer Terry, not mine. I do not believe I need to be absolved of sin to be with God. I do not believe God sends anyone to h3ll. Even your page did not change my mind on that. People can be good with and without God. Your question did not add, can people get into heaven if they are good and that's what the webpage is actually about. Good try anyway.
    terryfossil 1

    @ Colleen, i was simply agreeing with you regarding not believing in God but still being a good person,,the article was meant to point out that even the bible points out there will be good people who do not believe in god,,I know you say you do not believe in my God,,so the end result is irrelevant to you,,,

    Well since there really is only one God, I guess I sort of have to believe in everyone's God. I just view God and what He asks of us (which is very little) differently than you do. I took the time to read through the article. It was actually a negative towards the idea that just being good is enough. It sort of goes against your point. Read the whole thing, you'll see what I mean.

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