    How many teeth does an adult dog have?

    +3  Views: 1091 Answers: 2 Posted: 9 years ago

    enough to bite you with, my dear.

    Please excuse the flippant comment to your question and the other remarks that didn't answer your question competently. I am so sorry that your first experience here wasn't more courteous and respectful.
    Benthere is correct in telling you the number of teeth in an adult dog is 42.

    2 Answers

    How Many Teeth Do Dogs Have? | Dogster





    LOL . Welcome back, Darren. We missed you ♥ ♥

    Let him bite you on the leg,,and then simply count the teeth marks,,,you do not have to hold his mouth open to count them...Simple hey..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<


    ....LOL, why didn't I think of that ?

    Terry, a Doberman Pinshcer did bite my brother on the back of the leg (the calf )unprovoked when he was in the 9th grade. He just ran across the street and bit him. I think it's because the owner was mean and used to hit his son, I know.
    terryfossil 1

    I know the feeling MCM,,i got between my dog (German Shepard ) and another dog ( bull dog )my dog Prince sunk his teeth into the back of my knee,,a few stitches and it was fine,,then i had a doberman bite me in the face,,i was lucky he let go real quick,,his top teeth punctured my nose and his bottom teeth punctured my jaw just below my ear,,,bit of blood but i was a very lucky person..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<

    terry and mcm; please note this question wasn't asked 3 years ago and (in my opinion) should have been answered with helpfulness, courtesy, and respect for the integrity of the website.
    I gave you a TD for that reason, terry, and, if I could have TD'd mcm's unnecessary comment, I would have done that, too.
    terryfossil 1

    That's okay Bob,your opinion is your own,,and everyone has a right to their opinion,,however i am young on this site since i joined in 2012,,i have 1100 answers and 100 odd questions,,and you own the prestige of being the only person to TD me,,for what i consider a bit of humor, i think today we learnt something about each other..>>>>>>><<<<<<<

    Three years doesn't make you a beginner, terry, and what you should have learned about me today is that making fun of people their first time to ask a question on our website doesn't sit well with me. Who condones unprovoked ridicule?
    A dog bite is never funny, as you must know from your own experiences.
    Handing out a TD isn't something anybody does around here without giving it some long, serious thought What THAT should tell you is how very sincere and adamant my feeling about the answer is.
    You are not a fool, naïve, or uninformed, nor someone I would want to alienate. If you were, I wouldn't have bothered.

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