    Is the obama administration doing enough about ISIS ?

    No, BUT, they may be playing a different position. Lets say ISIS overtakes Iraq, Iran , whatever. Is that really a bad thing. If they overtake the government is that a bad thing? Maybe they want that to happen. If that happens USA and other countries will be able to overthrow , or begin to destroy and kill everything in sight without complications. Nobody could complain because there is no government. Within twenty days the USA could have complete control over a country and put in its own friendly people to run a civilized government. The USA would have control of nuclear program and destroy it too. OPERATION GENESIS.

    +1  Views: 2340 Answers: 3 Posted: 10 years ago
    Tags: isis

    When asked about the threat ISIS posed, Obama replied, "The analogy we use around here sometimes and is accurate is if a JV team puts on Laker uniforms, that doesn't make them Kobe Bryant."
    That is why he did nothing about them when he could have and should have, before they grew into what they are now. On top of the fact, he did support radical rebels who were affiliated with Al-Qaeda and can now be traced to ISIS. US administrations, extending back through many presidents, have financially aided in the growth of these terrorist groups, including Boko Haram. The US has just as much, if not more responsibility in taking out these terrorists. Obama is just trying to play community organizer by getting other countries to fight them on the ground. Remember, he still has his campaign pledge to remove US military from all wars, even if that means our leaving makes the terrorists stronger. Like it or not, in the war against extremists, the US will have to, once again, put boots on the ground. This time however, the military cannot be restricted by Obama's personal war book in how it goes up against the extremists.

    3 Answers

    No but he's a radical Muslim sympathizer anyway. His administration's solution for ISIS is to get them jobs, then they will be happy. <rolling eyes> 

    I understand where he is coming from, the reasoning behind his thinking but no, I do not think he’s doing enough about ISIS………...

    it is not just USA that should be doing more,,but every country in the world that believes we need to get rid of these murdering care nothing for life scumbags,,you cannot change these people,you cannot jail these people,,we have to eradicate them,,smaller countries cannot do what larger countries can,,but a united effort from all countries go 25% of the way to victory,and if the rest of the muslims stood up to be heard,that would add another 25% to victory,,," United we stand divided we fall "


    Absolutely right Terry.

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