    Do you say "ask" or "ax" you a question?

    Guess that depends where you come from , and whether your high on marijuana.

    +1  Views: 783 Answers: 4 Posted: 9 years ago

    4 Answers

    "Ask" is the correct word and that is what I use. I really don't understand why, as people spend years reading books, articles, sentences, they don't EVER notice that the word is ask, not axe? Perhaps it's the same for "I seen", instead of "I've seen" or "I done it" instead of "I have done it"? I would hope that if I'm using poor English, someone would correct me.

    Funny, colloquial expressions when said by a n outsider it becomes a racist remark.   I know many people that say axe for ask, if I mention who these people are I would be a racist.  Although, it is they that say the word.    'lemme Axe you somtin''.    :)


    I think this girl was yanking your chain. It's pretty much mainstream black. No more racist that saying southern Americans say 'ya'll, or---phrase 'Jeet yet? No, Jew? Nope, yount too? Translated to :' Did you eat yet? No, did you? No, do you want to?" Now, i could go all day on that and never be called a racist or even offending, but connect axe, dat, etc, with black people, then I am a racist. It's also true that like the white cults, like the 'valley girls' and the punksters etc, they too have their own language, also, like blacks, they grow out of it. all older blacks I know do not use this language (eubonics) only the younger generations, same with whites, they outgrow it eventually.

    A forum?? Are you a regular there? Surely you didn't just stop by a strange forum and post one question and know nobody there but yet believe her? :) Its on the internet, gotta be true! LOL!! I'm sticking with the chain pull.. :) Or else, all I posted above is a lie. :(

    Don, I am serious too! I also presume she is not white, this is why she reversed the question. In fact, it looks to me that she was basically saying you are a racist for thinking that. 'they don't want to sound white' . A play on words, makes no sense but she did say that they say 'AX' as opposed to 'ask'. So basically she is saying-- "i am black and my friends are black too and we all say 'AX'. :)

    Don asked this question. I’ve never been aware there wasn’t a difference. Never heard the term “ax” used in that form. Marijuana smokers don’t care. that’s what is nice about a high person, you can’t upset them…...


    Depends where you come from , like down in the hood. Here this all the time and on tv from black people. They just are too lazy to pronounce it correctly. Never heard a white person say it.

    I have always pronounced the word "ask", not "ax".  In my experience, "ax" is more of a "home boy" pronunciation. Rush Limbaugh often exaggerates the word in his daily talk radio show, very pointedly.


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