
    6 Answers

    I don't get it. Hot? At 75 degrees F.?  I checked the numbers on line and sweetheart, 75F. is a dream come true during our 110 F. days here in Texas. We'll be in the 60s much of today before an artic blast drops us into freezing rain. Not even our beaches won't be safe from the chill! But your holiday sounds grand. I love the sand and Sun. Drink a Pina Colada for me and remember, elsewhere in the world, it's WINTER!  

    terryfossil 1

    Sorry JH,,i got that totally wrong when i done the change over from Celsius,,the correct figure is 37C/ maths are crap..i will see if i can change those figures on my post..>>>>>>><<<<<<<<

    The blast is here and headed your way. Enjoy this mosquito killer.

    Z. You can bet that if there is one mosquito left after all this, it will find me......

    That sounds like it will be a great bit of fun and time to make new memories too.

     It snowed here last night  I stood outside for a couple of minutes watching the snowflakes (the snowflakes here are HUGE).  The way the lights were reflecting off the snow reminded me of a Thomas Kinkade painting.   Picture Perfect!

    Keep Cool Terry!

    terryfossil 1

    If Venny's heart holds up, i should be sitting in the ocean for most of tomorrow...CB...i fixed up the numbers on my post CB>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<

    That's  sounds like heaven  to me, it's about 5 centigrade  hear today, and it's  even colder  up North, I believe. 


    5c would be considered a heat wave here in upstate New York!

    Yes we've heard that you're having a bad winter. We haven't had it very bad this year, but I would like some of the Australian heat at the moment.
    terryfossil 1

    @ Sunny i would gladly give you 5 or 10 degrees,,with a name like Sunny,why don't you move to Sunny Queensland.. PS i fixed the numbers up on my post..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<

    Yes enjoy your summer. Hope the heat continues. Be careful what lurks in the shallows. Meanwhile here in west texas  we haven't seen the sun since last Thursday and has been freezing fog. 64 today snow -ice tomorrow. Houston might get freezing rain too. Long range forecast shows periods of cold through april for texas and north. above average rain.

    terryfossil 1

    Zorro,nobody enjoys Temperatures of 70 and up,,not even Aussies,,and do not worry about the shallows,the Great Whites are in Western Australia,,well most of them..And the Irukandji is further up north Queensland ....>>>>>>>><<<<<<<< PS, the temperature i had on my post was wrong,i have fixed it.

    We are up to our armpits in snow and more on the way later on this week. At least the temperature is only around 36 now instead of zero like this past Saturday! Desperately awaiting Spring.

    terryfossil 1

    Witchway,send me a return address envelope and i will send you 10 or 20 Degrees..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<

    It's 31 here now Terry & it's gunna be 36 tomorrow.I'm heading for the Gold Coast in the arvo.(Burleigh Heads).That should be nice.I might even take my togs & have a surf.We'll see.Have a good one mate.

    terryfossil 1

    Your are fairly right Tom,They are telling us at Nambour it is going to be 37,,i stuffed up the figures on my post,when i was trying to convert to Fahrenheit,,,i did not no this until JH said that was not very hot,,See ya later mate..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<PS afternoon at Burliegh would be great,i am going to Maroochy,send me a note in a bottle and i will send you one back..

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