8 Answers
It would be a struggle.We'd probably have to sell the kids.
10 years ago. Rating: 13 | |
Easy . I live on 13 grand a year. And I don't get food stamps or anything. Wish I did. I don't have a pension or my late husb's pension.
10 years ago. Rating: 12 | |
$1,250 a week,,i would be living in luxury,,
10 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
THAT would be amazing! I can't imagine having that much money to spend in a year. I don't struggle or skimp, but I have to be careful.
My home would have ALL its repairs done and some upgrades, that's for sure.
I imagine there would also be something left over for a short, but nice, trip.
10 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
$65,000.00 USD per year...$5416.67 each month....I like the challenges of trying to live on $1037.00 per month. But then I look at my accessory incomes. What I have is paid for and it is plenty, I have very few debts. I have four doctors who like me as their patient and get paid by a variety of federal agencies. My meds are presently running over $2000.00 per month. A service drives me around to go shopping and banking. My garbage is picked up at the curb. all of my medical shots are paid for. Electric power is free 4 months a year and $50.00 a month for 8 months. So I end-up with $200.00 ~ $300.00 per month left over at the end of the month. Most of that is donated somewhere. So if I had to more work on account of $65,000.00 income a year, I would have to hire an accountant and a lawyer and pay them enough to get my personal finances down to something reasonable...like I have now at $1037.00 per month.
9 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
Bob/PKB My meds are payed by the system...sometimes I see the cost...otherwise I would have to have shell-out the actual cost...I have on occasion seen the cost if I had the $65 grand deal.