    Interesting and educational myths about cancer……...

    • Myth 1: Cancer is a man-made, modern disease

    • Myth 2: Superfoods prevent cancer

    • Myth 3: ‘Acidic’ diets cause cancer

    • Myth 4: Cancer has a sweet tooth

    • Myth 5: Cancer is a fungus – and sodium bicarbonate is the cure

    • Myth 6: There’s a miracle cancer cure…

    • Myth 7: …And Big Pharma are suppressing it

    • Myth 8: Cancer treatment kills more than it cures

    • Myth 9: We’ve made no progress in fighting cancer

    • Myth 10: Sharks don’t get cancer

    +1  Views: 1613 Answers: 4 Posted: 10 years ago

    there's a fungus among us. ( Couldn't resist ) No, seriously, a retired Dr. who was studying cancer that the U till he died, told me cancer is a type of a fungus.

    4 Answers

    These days it seems everything we like to eat,drink or do has a cancer risk.

    I still don't have cancer after decades of doing everything I can to get it.

    It is what it is & if you're gunna get it you're gunna get it.

    I don't live my life looking over my shoulder wondering it the big 'C' is following me.

    There are plenty of other killers out there.


    BTW, nice car Julie.

    Thank you, Tommy. It's my new (70,000 miles only) baby!

    Is it a Taurus?

    Yep. You're good......

    Missing aesthetic bumpers though....

    Doesn't matter.At least you've got reliable wheels.

    Don’t know for sure yet, I’m still trying to pay off a 12 year old D.W.I…..

    Does DWI mean what I think?
    If it does the TX courts are lenient to drag it out that long.

    Court nothing, just pay a huge fine which is why I don't drive now....

    And I wasn't intoxicated.......

    You don't go to court for DWI???

    I appeared before a judge during the wee hours, my memory fails me. I did time. Now I have the fine and surcharges.......

    I'm not at all convinced on either side. I don't believe we know what causes (most) cancers, what cures/prevents cancer nor who is putting money into whose pockets. I do know that billions of dollars have been sunk into cancer research and  still, everywhere you turn, someone is raising money for cancer, on a daily basis....from kids selling lemonade to multi-million dollar corporations having marathon runs. You would think it is the only disease known to man. It isn't!

    Some of them AREN'T myths.

    And Vinny,  Kudos to you. I'm a cancer survivor too, as are other people on this forum.

    I still believe that the pharmaceutical companies are controlling 'some diseases', I don't know about cancer but I would think they have a big hand in cold medicines.  That's one of their biggest if not the biggest profit making 'no-cure' they got going.   Also, the medical field in general.  Fortunes are made by doctors and drug companies.

    As a cancer survivor, I hope that someday the big C takes a dive.  There are so many strains though

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