- Myth 1: Cancer is a man-made, modern disease
- Myth 2: Superfoods prevent cancer
- Myth 3: ‘Acidic’ diets cause cancer
- Myth 4: Cancer has a sweet tooth
- Myth 5: Cancer is a fungus – and sodium bicarbonate is the cure
- Myth 6: There’s a miracle cancer cure…
- Myth 7: …And Big Pharma are suppressing it
- Myth 8: Cancer treatment kills more than it cures
- Myth 9: We’ve made no progress in fighting cancer
- Myth 10: Sharks don’t get cancer
4 Answers
These days it seems everything we like to eat,drink or do has a cancer risk.
I still don't have cancer after decades of doing everything I can to get it.
It is what it is & if you're gunna get it you're gunna get it.
I don't live my life looking over my shoulder wondering it the big 'C' is following me.
There are plenty of other killers out there.
10 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
I'm not at all convinced on either side. I don't believe we know what causes (most) cancers, what cures/prevents cancer nor who is putting money into whose pockets. I do know that billions of dollars have been sunk into cancer research and still, everywhere you turn, someone is raising money for cancer, on a daily basis....from kids selling lemonade to multi-million dollar corporations having marathon runs. You would think it is the only disease known to man. It isn't!
10 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
I still believe that the pharmaceutical companies are controlling 'some diseases', I don't know about cancer but I would think they have a big hand in cold medicines. That's one of their biggest if not the biggest profit making 'no-cure' they got going. Also, the medical field in general. Fortunes are made by doctors and drug companies.
As a cancer survivor, I hope that someday the big C takes a dive. There are so many strains though
10 years ago. Rating: 3 | |