Wouldn’t you love to be able to do this? Handy……...
7 Answers
Gidday JH,i gotta tell ya,i have cut many a pineapple,,as my wife brother had a pineapple farm..and i reckon that bloke has got a very soft pineapple, or one hell of a sharp knife,,and he cuts towards himself,,i think he might be very good at what he does,,>>>>><<<<< have cut many a pin
9 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
Tom, i think the Big Pineapple is the last of them in Nambour,,still a few around the Landsbrough area,,you might not believe this Tom, but i think Aussie imports most of it's pineapple's,my wife wanted to buy some canned sliced pineapple in Coles,,but they only had indonisian tins,,a lady said she thought Coles had a problem with the Aussie cannery,,probably price,,see ya mate
I love fresh pineapple, I have a peeler that makes rings ,peels and removes the core.
9 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
I always thought that made for wasted pineapple (I am half Scottish-sorry,Roy) but I cut one by hand the other day and learned I need what you have....
The thing works pretty good something like a corkscrew. Some times a few eyes left but not many. And you have a pineapple shell if you want to make a fancy drink!
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