    when will the lord come back on earth

    +4  Views: 665 Answers: 8 Posted: 9 years ago

    8 Answers

    He never left. The leaving part was a rumor that was passed around to justify bad behavior without the threat of judgment or consequence, guilt or remorse.

    The bible gives some indication of when he will return, and some things that have to happen before he does.. there is a verse in there that says " Lest i come quickly you will destroy yourselves "Always nice talking 2007..>>>>>>><<<<<<


    It's in Matthew .
    terryfossil 1

    Thanks MCM

    i say people need to learn how to treat others before the lord comes back, and let the lord worry about his own calendar and agenda.


    That'll never happen, even tho' the Bible and Jesus teaches us to treat others as we would like to be treated.

    I can't remember but it has something to do with hell and freezing. I'll let you know if it all comes back to me.

    Honey, did you expect a straight answer or is the for a Sunday school test? Read the book………...


    i'm glad for this tickle today. thanks jhharlan!

    jh, the last time they asked this question, you said your grandmother was always waiting for Him to come back. I am too :-)

    Good memory. Yep, I did, She was as was her mother and mine. Generations are all expiating the same thing……..

    We're in the end times now. All the signs are there. He can't come back soon enough for me.

    terryfossil 1

    Your on the money MCM....>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<

    She will probably return in 3 to 5 billion years when the earth is predicted to come to an end along with the sun. I said she because there is no way a male gender being could create something as wonderful as earth.



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