
    6 Answers

    Reminds me of the run-in I had with an over protective dad, I spoke to his son at the grocery store and he chewed me out (daddy did) and yelled that I wasn't to ever talk to his kid. When I spoke, the kid immediately looked to his father like "I know what's coming".  I think I smarted off and walked away.  Saw them at a later date: the kid was riding his bike in circles as dad watched and wearing every bit of protection his folks could buy. I mean, padded to the hilt. I wonder about the kid, it's been 10 years. What is he like today?


    Maybe he has taken to the American type of football,they i belive are a bit kinky about padding,

    That child has been traumatized beyond "learning a lesson".  Those adults deserve whatever jail time they get PLUS a couple more years.  This is a horrible story about horrible people.

    I'm glad they were all arrested to teach them a lesson.You don't do that to a 6 year old!!!!!

    Not all adults have brains. I wouldn't be surprised if they thought this was funny. Pathetic people.

    When i got called up for the army,i tried that but the sergent major did not think much of that for some reason,

    Very true.... My mother always said "If you don't have anything nice to say about some one come sit next to me " !

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