    I had dental x-ray and light cure ,and found out i'm pregnant ,will they have harmful effect, i am worried?

    I had dental x-ray and light cure ,and found out im pregnant ,will tht have harmfull effect? what should i do?

    +1  Views: 1513 Answers: 5 Posted: 9 years ago
    Tags: healthy

    5 Answers

    Oh my gosh!!! I smoked before I knew I was pregnant,  I had my hair professionally dyed when I was pregnant, I drank a couple glasses of wine and oh my Lord I even had sex in the position prohibited by pregnant women and my baby turned out fine.

     If you are looking to sue someone , a little radiation inside your mouth is not the place to start. 


    my step-daughter went into a jacuzzi when she was preg on their honey moon. She said she didn't know a preg woman isn't supposed to go into one. It didn't seem to hurt the baby who is now 30 .

    As long as the xray wasn't right on your abdomen, you and the baby should be alright.

    Didn’t they place the lead shield on your chest? If they did like they were supposed to, you were protected...

    you will be alright ,as long as you dont have to many gold teeth,

    Don't blame any defects on this.

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