11 Answers
My Grandmother was the "evil" one (Born in 1900) strict discipline, she would hit me with the first thing that came to hand, my Mother was similar but less severe, she preferred to argue, saying this I still loved them both dearly and miss them always, my Father died when I was 7yrs old and I can only assume I inherited his nature & temper, never thought about hitting any of my kids,my upbringing never did me any permanent harm and I think a good few of the children today should have a wee meeting with my Grandmother.
10 years ago. Rating: 14 | |
I guess that honor goes to my mom. She could bankshot a shoe around a corner and hit me square in the head, outrun me swinging a broom, and the hairbrush on my kneecap was her favorite weapon! My mom could talk with her eyes. I learned to listen to her eyes, Her eyes was my 'shot across the bow warning' I miss them both a lot! Everyday I think of them.
10 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
I learned by the mistakes of my brother and sister that respecting my parents required no trust, confidential expressions of intent, objection to their assignments, failure to comply to their orders, or seeking favor. Write nothing expressing opinion and never provide a signature on a blank slip of paper. I learned the necessity to hide earned money and to lie about whatever I have or found of value. I learned never to join their clubs or organizations. Avoid eating leftovers at meals unless I know its age and condition. Never discuss Bible viewpoints that differ from theirs.
10 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
I guess i should not speak ill of the dead,,so i will just say "the one that broke my rib when i was 6 years old,or there abouts.."the memory fades at my age......
10 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
Definitely my dad. He would smack me across the face for something trivial , or smack me on the head, if I was sitting on the ground or the floor.......or reach around to the back seat and smack my leg, b/c that's what he could reach. He was very strict too, and kind of paranoid. He liked my brother more than me b/c Ronnie was a little angel when my dad was around. But, when he wasn't around, Ronnie was a pain and got me into trouble. You couldn't talk to my dad if he was yelling at you or lecturing you.........b/c if you tried to explain the situation, he'd get madder and say you were talking back to him.
My mother was nicer, but pretty heavy handed with the back of a heavy wooden hair brush.
And my dad would get outraged at me for the normal things that young teenage girls do.And he would yell at me for the things that my friends did. I had a friend once, too,whose husband would yell at their son for the things his friends did. That is stupid parenting.
10 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
My old man was a Scotsman with hands as big as dinner plates & he used them.
When I was about 15 I started hitting back.He must have realized I was growing up because he stopped trying to dicipline me about the same time.
I never had the benefit of grand parents so I had to stick around until I could move out.(About 2 weeks after my 17th birthday.)
As time went by we made ammends but I never forgot the hidings I got from him.
He died when I was 26 & funnily enough I missed him for a while.
Mum was a gentle soul of German/Russian/Polish parentage.She had a lot to put up with.
They say that abuse is passed down from one generation to the next.I deny it.
I never-ever hit my girls & swore that I would kill anybody that ever did.
So my answer is......DAD.He was a scary bloke to a kid.
10 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
We all have to remember that our parents were just flawed human beings, like the rest of us---who happened to have sex, and a baby resulted.
And they do their best with what they have. They learned how to be parents from their parents :-\ And so, it goes on and on.
10 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
My mother, although she never hit any of us, and she had 5 of us , plus two of her brothers children. She could discipline us just the same. Her main punishment was to keep you in for a couple of days, when all the other kids were out playing.
10 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
My mum she was great with the uppercuts,we got under the table so it would be harder for her the reach us,Dad often missed as he was to drunk,
10 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
My dad was the one. I got one spanking in my life at age 5 for peaking out the window after my dad left. it was me and my sister. I slept in the living room. after we peaked out, he came back in and said who peaked out that window. we were suppose to be going to sleep. we both got the hands on our legs. i don't think i did anything wrong for 10 years. my mom was a very kind disciplinarian, very gentle, and smart and kind. my dad talked loud too. all mom might say is, do you want me to tell your dad when he gets home? NO.
10 years ago. Rating: 6 | |