    Do you watch Dr. Pol ? Do you think he's kinda rough on the animals ? It's b/c he's old school. He doesn't give them any anesthetic when he castrates bull calfs and horses !

    And it's kinda Neanderthal the way he delivers calfs, if the mother cow is having trouble. He attaches  a chain to the calfs ankles, and a ratchet, and pulls and ratchets them out and lets them fall on the floor.

    +1  Views: 662 Answers: 4 Posted: 10 years ago

    4 Answers

    I have read this before, not of this guy but as normal procedure.  I think this is how they do it.  Pulling the calf out by the ankles i would think is the humane way to help the mother considering all the discomfort she may be in during a troubled delivery.  I think what makes it sound so bad is your describing the tool used. Sounds medieval and like a torture device.  Kinda like 'The doctor performing surgery took a knife and sliced the patient open and cut his guts with a scissor and a visegrip to control the blood.'  

    Sounds terrible but that's what they do. 


    At least Physicians use anesthetic. The other large animal vet on TV, is a woman and she uses a blow gun to anesthetize wild animals to do medical procedures on them . She works and lives in the Yukon.She's married and has children .

    Yeah, we in agreement there. They should use anesthetic when performing any type of surgical procedure on animals. And I believe in most cases they do. I do understand the 'dart' when anesthetizing large animals, these animals are wild and we don't know if they understand humans are trying to help them. You certainly don't want a pissed off Cheetah chasing you.

    When I worked in Oz I made friends with an old Aboriginal guy who had worked as a jackaroo (farmhand). He told me how he used to castrate lambs with his teeth!


    The poor lambs. Animals suffer more than anything in the whole world.

    Female genital mutilation is worse by far in my opinion.

    Yes, you're right, Nom. They do that to young women in some African countries ! That is the worst.

    As far as I can remember ( we're talking 30 years ago) we never gave farm animals anything for castrating them. Just cut them put some power on em and let them go. Lambs /sheep get rubber bands around there balls till they dry up and fall off. As far as the calf & mom you can loose both pretty easy if something goes wrong I don't think thats unusual. To pull them out. Heck when my daughter was born  by C section they pulled her out with something like a big channel lock.. She came out just a hollering at em...


    He takes a lopper and lops them off ! I think your rubber band idea is more humane. I don't think a man would like to have his balls lopped off with NO anesthesia.! The give a local to a man to do a vasectomy.

    MCM, I'm guessing your a vegetarian??

    I've never heard of him but I am glad. I would write a letter to protest his actions. He must be good at something to be on the air.....


    I think everybody just takes it for granted that that's the way it's done. And to castrate young bulls, he takes a lopper and lops their balls off !.....with no anesthetic !

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