    If you were offered U.S.$ 10 million (or equivalent) to leave your country and not be allowed back, what would you do?

    +7  Views: 1409 Answers: 9 Posted: 10 years ago

    9 Answers

    Take the money and run with my loved ones to somewhere warm and friendly.


    The houses in Morden are quite upmarket Ted,

    Go to Florida or North Carolina.

    How do you know your loved ones would move out of your country with you ?

    Juliana, if I had $10m even the ones I don't get along with would be running after me.

    LOL> Prob true .... :-D

    $10M U.S. but I could never return to Canada? Boo hoo hoo!


    Look for me here. I think ROMOS and CB are here too.



    Works for me. :)

    TEN MIL??? Arrivederci Australie!

    terryfossil 1

    would 10 mill be enough for you Tom,,?????

    Yes. If I was careful.LOL.
    Hey I was out in your old stamping grounds on Friday mate.
    Inala. I got a very strong feeling of deja vu when I walked into the shopping mall. It's like saigon all over again. Vietnamese guys sitting around under umbrellas playing checkers,vegetable stalls,food vendors the whole bit.(Everything except the hookers.LOL).
    terryfossil 1

    You are right there mate,i rode around in that shopping centre at 12 year old on a push bike,,now you would not even know you were in Australia,,,

    Yes, Ten Mill sounds like a lot for that, however, when you think of who you would like to relocate with you, it would not go far.  And MCM's question of where you would have to go, makes all the difference in the discussion.  You could not pay me any amount to go some places, anywhere that doesn't welcome Americans, Christians, etc. 

    terryfossil 1

    Bustie,10 mill in Aussie would last you and yours a couple of lifetimes,if you are smart with your money,,and you would be welcome here mate..

    I hate leaving my country even for a holiday,,but 10 million is a great incentive ,,and i do not know if 10 million would get rid of the ache in my chest,,how anybody can say 10 million is not a lot of money,,i can only imagine they already have more than 10 million..


    I'm surprised too, to hear anyone say that 10M is not much. Really? I'm pretty sure that I could manage on just one million....probably on the interest alone. I guess I'm used to living the "simple life"? :)
    terryfossil 1

    I am with you Quacker,may you quack your quacker for many a day....

    It would depend on what country I would have to go to . It better be an English speaking country b/c I'm too old to learn a foreign language. Could some of the American territories be included in this offer ?  I might be interested in living in the Carribean . Many of those islands speak English. But, St. Lucia doesn't. They speak French.

    I figure if my family can ignore me living here in Michigan, then they can ignore me living in another country too.


    Both English and French are spoken in St. Lucia. I know; I was there. Beautiful, with an occasional hurricane.

    I was there too, and met the locals, and for most of them, French is language numero uno ( yes, I know that's spanish ) ha ha

    The islanders say the St.Lucian women are the most beautiful women in the islands. We thought they are, too. They have both Negroid and French blood.

    I took a tour of St. Lucia. The guide explained to us a common expression used by men, in Creole, "Dudu, moi aime elle." This means "Darling, I love you." I thought I'd give it a shot. I leaned my head out the bus window and yelled it at a group of women. Needless to say, they were hysterical, thus white guy saying something like this!.

    10 mil? It’s not all that much. I guess no, I wouldn’t. I’m happy here being poor…….


    What can I say? I love my life, I medicate well, I'm happy with the status quo......
    terryfossil 1

    Very well JH,,i just know $10 mill would certainly improve a lot of my life,,but i do worry about having to go to another country,,All the best JH..>>>><<<<

    I hear America is great! Always Terry.......
    terryfossil 1

    JH, i have an American friend in Cumming Georgia,,and he is all right,i have this great fear about dying outside my own country,,but the closest i have been to America is Hawaii,,and i did not mind it,,,but was glad to come home,,

    Hello Jamica yes..simlpe as that..


    Jamaica mon?

    To get a reliable number of answers to this question that would accurately predict a reliable response it will be necessary to actually provide all of the members of this group with $10 million dollars each with the same condition to their individual accpetance in order to prove this worthwhile test case true or false by what margin. Awaiting your check...  


    Me too. I'd love to test this theoretical question. :)

    Count me in.

    @R....Do you like the location that I chose for us?

    Do for me Duck, nice and warm for the Fleamily.

    We can just float over to each other's house for a visit. :)

    On a wee waft of twigs.

    Awwwww, what a dream life that would be....except when the tornadoes and hurricanes arrived. :(

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