    Is thier an old Chinease Probverb that says never do anything standing that you can do sitting down,or anthhing sitting down that you can do lying down,

    +5  Views: 540 Answers: 4 Posted: 10 years ago

    4 Answers

    “Mr Churchill, to what do you attribute your success in life?

    Conservation of energy. Never stand up when you can sit down. And never sit down when you can lie down.”

    Indeed it was a Chinese proverb used by our very own Winnie.

    Hope this helps Dougal?




    he vas clerver man,ho,ching Ted,

    I must be Chinease/Chinese Dennis because I can do it standing up, sitting down and lying down. ( What ever that means. LOL)

    When I read it, I thought it was another Hector-ism.          lol

    'Why stand-up when you can sit-down. Why sit-down when you can lay-down? Originality is harder to come-by these days. Alfred Numan (MAD Magazine) quoted the line without a source and there are similar lines that go back in comedy over the centuries. Sourcing our profanity and jesters reaches deeply into history and events. Digging out those old relics is a great treasure hunt. 

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