    Opinions please on the massacre in Paris by our Islamic friends.

    Once again we see the evil of religion and those who subcribe to its ravings.

    All religion is fundamentally false and should be abandoned by all thinking people.

    +4  Views: 1438 Answers: 12 Posted: 10 years ago

    We are expected to welcome thse people into our midst; to try to integrate with them and make friends with them.

    The following is a list of massacres in the nice friendly Christian Bible:
    2 Kings 2:22-23 42 children killed
    Judges 9:5 69, dead
    1 Samuel 22:18-19, 85 dead
    2 Kings 1:10-12, 102 dead
    1 Samuel 18:22-27, 200 dead
    2 Samuel 23:18, 300 dead
    1 Kings18:22-40, 450 dead
    Judges 3:31 600 dead
    Judges 15:14-15 1000 dead.

    So that makes it OK doesn't it?

    The purpose of the Bible is to show "nice, friendly Christians"? I THINK your information may be incorrect nom but then, maybe I'm not a "thinking" person.

    The Bible reveals the intentions and actions of man good and bad. Life lessons, if you will. I would have thought you could understand that message clearly nom. It is quite obvious.
    It seems to me you study religion for the sole purpose of continually reassuring yourself that you are correct in your thinking patterns. Are you that insecure?

    It's not religion that kills people. It's people that kill people.

    And Nom, the people in the old testament who killed in the name of religion were not really following or glorifying the one true God. They were just doing there own thing. God never commanded people to kill other in His name! But, in the Koran,Mohammad and their "religious " leaders said " kill all the infidels " .......which means anyone who is NOT a muslim.

    The Muslim extremists follow the Qur'an verbatim as it is written by the prophet Muhammad.
    Most Muslims do not. Most Muslims are peaceful caring people.
    I have friends who are Muslim. None of them would hurt a fly. In fact, they all work in the natural health industry. They all donate time to charitable organizations and go overseas to third world countries and help build hospitals and schools. So do their children.
    They are devout Muslims.
    terryfossil 1

    Hey Fish,, if they do not follow their prophet,then they are not devout muslims...

    Je suis Charlie.

    The prophet Muhammad wrote the word of God down as per the recitation from the angel Gabriel. The Qur'an is regarded as the most important miracle of Muhammad and proof of his prophethood. Follow the words written by Muhammad as recited by the angel Gabriel, follow the word of God. This all equals a devout Muslim.

    You must read the Bible Terry. You follow the words written by Elijah, Micaiah, Jeremia, Ezekiel, Malachi and company. Prophets, go figure. Your a devout Christian.

    @nom; No one is denying that what occurred at Charlie Hebdo was not completely horrendous however painting all Muslims with one brush is ridiculous. The minds of the three men who committed this act of violence are minds easily swayed by negative violent influences.
    Most Muslims know that when the Qur'an was written it was a time of upheaval, violence and unrest. The world has changed. The Extreme Fundamentalist Muslims clearly follow the ideals of a different space and time upon this planet.
    If we all who are not Muslim decide to adopt your point of view, what do you suppose will happen next? Violence begets violence. It also moves nothing positive forward.


    Further fallout from this affair. Extreme orthodox Jews who believe that women and men should not appear together have photoshopped a picture of a lineup of world leaders to exclude such unacceptable people such as Angela Merkel and Ann Hidalgo ( Mayor of Paris).

    12 Answers

    The "evil of religion"? Let's put the blame where it belongs. "Religion" never handed anyone a licence to kill...that's an excuse. It's evil PEOPLE who kill and they need to pay for their crimes.



    Well said Ducky.TU.

    Thanks Tabber and Tommy.

    Killing people because you don't like what they say or do will never solve a thing!  I guess brains work too different to ever have peace.  Religion will always be an issue.


    Religion, politics and any number of "issues" that humans disagree about. They're all just excuses (not rights) to kill.


    Could it be that they are misplaced in thier beliefs?????No not they,until thier day comes as surely it will, 

    TWO FACTORS: Religion is a good thing.  It has sooth millions for many moons and centuries.  People can choose the religion they want or their parents put them in.  Two, I think, even if we do not believe in a particular religion, it is still sacred to that religious group. Don't make fun of it. It's sacred. I saw a documentary piece regarding why Bin Ladin was mad at the United States.  The piece on television, suggested he was upset because westerners came over to a sacred land and did not respect it, according to his perspective and viewpoints, and that set him off. Desiring to kill the infidels, westerners and Christians. That being said somebody needs to seriously, seriously talk to the radical acting people of the world. Terrorist behavior is so unacceptable, I cannot find words to express how wrong it is. What can be done?  I have heard that their goal is to take over the world. Well they are pushing real hard (cutting of heads, taking over states and cities and banks). I am not for war, but world governments need to get together and start working on a peace agenda or trouble is coming. . . from people who look forward to dying and meeting their maker.

    Perhaps I am just out of the loop but, we know for sure it was Islamic intent that this happened? I think all of these"terrorist" attacks are just angry people looking for an excuse to express themselves......

    terryfossil 1

    It was very much islamic JH

     Islamic friends ? I beg to differ..seriously ?

    I would hardly call them 'friends' Nom.

    I am totally disgusted but hardly shocked..

    It seems that they are particulaly brave men with an AK47 in their hands going up against unarmed civilians.

    Take care Nom. Be vigilant over there.


    I think he was being sarcastic when he called them " our muslim friends "

    You don't say!

    Religare .... meaning to bind.

    I think if anyone wants to practice a religion that they be as good in it as possible. I'm pretty sure that all religions express [essentially] the 'golden rule' being that of treating others as you would so be treated ...

    Fundamental extremists, on the other hand, do nought but expand negative views upon the rest of the religion .. whatever it is. According to what has been writ in history [however unstable] virtually all religions have had extremist groups that suffice only in tainting views of a religious group as a whole giving meaning to the saying that "one bad apple can turn the whole lot bad"

    It is unfortunate when this happens and to pass judgement on the whole according to the actions of the few is unfair and ridiculous. My mother does it all the time.


    People (all of us) do it all the time....not just your mother. :)

    So true I hate to say but we tend to generalize like ... 'them hippies' and 'teenagers!!!!!' [gives incredulous look] ... oh and my favourite ... 'MEN!' ;D

    Well, maybe that last one could be true? lol
    (I hope that none of them on here, are listening.)

    The muslim religion is unlike any other religion in the world, in that it finds it hard to fit in with other people who are not of their belief,,as everybody who is not a muslim is an infidel,,and strangely enough,the muslims that kill westerners in western countries,,are born in those countries,,,and people who want peace will pamper the muslims,,and peace is won by the gun,,majority of muslims want peace today,,do not know what they will want tomorrow,,,or what their kids will want tomorrow,,,,you poke fun at my God,and i will tell you my God can stand up for himself,,,poke fun at a muslim god,and they all run in to help him,,so muslims  believe their god needs help,,,sorry guys,my Dad's bigger than yours..Always nice talking..>>>>><<<<<

    It's not about their religion, it's about some lunatics who are the scum of the earth getting their hands on weapons to kill people who believe in free speech.  It's a pity the police didn't shoot them dead, before they got away.


    It's too bad that the police in France do not carry guns. That young officer who was executed on the sidewalk might have been able to defend himself and take at least one out.

    They do carry guns Colleen,But i forget under what amendant it is,

    The municipal police do not generally carry firearms.

    Yes you are right Colleen,but its only 13 per/cent ,in that patcular case ,

    Apparently this officer was one of the 13%. Too bad for him, huh? All police officers should carry weapons. They are the law enforcers. Can't enforce the law against a criminal with a weapon when one does not have a weapon himself.

    The british police in general do not carry guns,and our crime rate is quite good,

    So far. World events are proving you are not as safe as you think you are. Good luck.

    Even when they do have guns they they likely as not shot the wrong persons by mistake,like John Charles Meneisies,and the office in charge gets promoted,

    Have it your way. Disarm the police and let only the extremists and criminals have weapons. Good thinking. Again, I wish your country the best of luck when the extremists come for you , and they will. Maybe the few police who are allowed a weapon there can get there in time to save lives, maybe not.

    They will proberley shoot me for carring a false leg,as was the case a few years back,on one poor soul,

    OK Hector. If you believe that, keep your police weaponless and make sure only the criminals carry the weapons. The criminals should leave you and your false leg alone. Good luck.

    These people were playing with fire. Did they think they were cocky? You cannot mock Islam to the extent that they did without thinking about repercussions. I would be upset if anyone mocked my religion in the media, but being a rational thinking, law abiding person, I would not go to the extremes that Moslems do. I hope people think these things out before they act, apparently unlike those 12 who were massacred. We have to stand up to radical Islam, but at the same time, we can't antagonize them. 


    It takes little to antagonize some people!

    Though I agree with most of what you say, the execution of the wounded policeman on the street shows the mindset of the extremists. Had he been mocking Islam?

    Of course, the police represent authority, which they have no respect for. Also, they might have thought that the police stood in the way of their escape. The policeman didn't have to mock anything.
    terryfossil 1

    There goes your free speech Clonge

    Not MY free speech. I'm all for "free speech", but it has its limits. We're dealing with an irrational, fanatical element. So much for the 12 Frenchmen's "free speech". Where are they now?
    terryfossil 1

    You cannot mock islam,???????thats only because they will kill you if you do,,Stuff islam, send them back to whatever place they came from,,then maybe they might be happy.>>><<<

    terry: They won't be happy until they wreak havoc in whatever countries that they've taken up residence in, and even then, they won't be happy.

    You're going to have plenty of eternal AKAQA enemies by posting this. I won't be one of them. Not just because I happen to agree with you on this but because I believe that one should not shy away from commenting on issues that may be offensive to some.


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