    Why don't people get aids the states ?

    is it b/c they're having safer sex, or b/c aids is dying out.  ( no pun intended )

    +5  Views: 1269 Answers: 11 Posted: 10 years ago

    11 Answers

    That is the wrong idea, that nobody gets AIDS anymore!  If people think this, they may get careless and promote unsafe sex and injection/fluids handling procedures.  It is indeed still a major health problem. 


    Absolutely. People need to stay informed and stop being so naïve.

    It's still around J, medical science has got a better hold on it now, people with HIV can lead an almost normal life with the correct medication but the problem still exists just as much as it did 20 or 30 years ago, governments and the press just find other things to scare us with nowadays such as the Middle East and Ebola.

    Check the maps here for the USA...


    That map was helpful to answer the question, R. Didn't know there was such a huge amt of aids till I looked at the map. :-(

    It's still out there but the care is better and it's no longer considered news. Ebola will go the same way. Just watch and see.....

    According to this article here MCM 50 thousand people per year in the USA contract Aids


    that link was the definitive answer to the question, CB. Thx.

    People don't get aids anymore in the States? Really? I think some serious research is required here! That is a mind set that no medical professionals want to hear about. Ask questions, look up information, read and stay informed!

    Most effective efforts to keep people safe from themselves regarding AIDS are already in place.  Blood banks test donations. Safe sex is up to you. AIDS, herpes, clamydia, etc. are avoided with conscious effort....generally.

    I think it's probably the same as it is here, it's just not publicised so much now, it's still out there.

    Because they either have it already or don't want to contract it?

    Maybe it's because all the gays have turned straight and nobody is injecting narcotics.

    Where do you get this info mcm?


    Where did you get your answer, Nom ?

    My answer came out of my head.

    It is sad that many STD started from people having sex with animals    It is bad that this is passed on for hundreds of years. Perhaps it will be the downfall of humans!  Everyone should be aware of that you might be in bed with one person right now, but REALLY it is with whoever they were with, ETC ETC 


    Yeah...... They said aids started in Monkeys. I don't know.

    The fictionalized version on the origin of Aids that I saw was that a commonly recognized, sexually transmitted disease existing for centuries in Africa was weaponized by the CDC during the Bush administration, returned to Africa for further testing and brought to the USA by a male airline steward who was gay to spread the disease.... as a remedy for the growing homosexual uprise in the USA.

    I not sure weather this is true or not but it would work well as a conspiracy-theory gag line. 

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