    My boyfriend and I have been together for two years. Three months ago, his daughter (18) suddenly decided she did not want me in his life. My bf and I were living together when this all began, but he moved out (and we broke up for a time) to placate her. When she is faced with a situation where we might be together, she refuses and throws a crying tantrum. My boyfriend always caves into this, asking me to be elsewhere for that day/ occasion. I have talked to him about how this makes me feel and

    We talk about having a future together and talk about a day when she'll realize how silly she's being. I am getting so discouraged by the fact that the behavior is so wrong and he refuses to deal with it. 

    0  Views: 1972 Answers: 5 Posted: 10 years ago

    5 Answers

    Your boyfriend has very clearly shown you who he will side with, during any disagreement between you and his daughter. Stick with him and you will have a life filled with constant drama. Is that what you planned for your life?

    Some men are completely stupid when it comes to their daughters (Divorced men in a new relationship).

    Example: I dated a man who had an 18 year old daughter and she was learning how to cook and she wanted to cook breakfast for us. I walked into the kitchen and noticed she had poured about a half a cup of oil in the frying pan while she was frying the bacon. I explained to her that bacon is fatty and it makes plenty of grease so it doesn't need extra oil for frying. I was not rude about it I was only trying to teach her something, but she was embarrassed. Her dad was a good cook and he knew adding oil to bacon was not needed, but to make her feel better he told her adding oil was okay and left me looking like the  dumb bunny and the bad guy.

    A few weeks later his daughter came to stay with me for a couple of weeks during her summer break from college and she used   my personal hygiene products without telling me so imagine my surprise when I was in need and had nothing. I explained to her that I didn't mind her using my stuff if she needed it, but she should have informed me so the item(s) could be replaced.  Instead of her dad driving her to the store to replace my product(s) giving him the  perfect opportunity to have a private conversation with her to learn about respect and responsibility for another persons property he chose to yell at me for embarrassing her once again.

    Your boyfriends' daughter is not some impressionable child, she's a full grown adult and she should be treated like one. If your boyfriend is constantly taking her side (and you are not the jealous/ instigator/girlfriend) making you to look like the bad guy and  a fool then you do not need him.  He's proven to have a severe lack of common sense and he'll continue to think of his grown up daughter as a little girl therefore always babying her and taking her side even if she's in the wrong. From experience he'll NEVER take your side and you will be left feeling guilty, stupid and humiliated.  He is not worth it. Dump him now and patiently wait because the right man will come along.



    Yeah, even if you have to look in Scotland. <3<3
    country bumpkin

    I waited patiently and I finally found him even though he was living across the pond.

    C/B such a good informative answer - such a difficult and not at all necessary situation. You are right he needs to be dumped sooner than later.
    country bumpkin

    I agree Poppy.

    If your boyfriend truly loved and cared for you he would not let anyone stand in his way of disrupting the relationship he has with you. He refuses to deal with it because he doesn't want to. His "adult" daughter sounds like a selfish person who just wants her own way.

    He’s not your boyfriend. You sound as if you are just a piece of work. He feels guilt over his daughter but feels nothing for you? There’s a message there somewhere………...

    So many good answers here. This kind of passion does not inspire me - as said things will never change unfortunately for you - it is just a mesmerising mess which you do not need to involve yourself with. You are better than this!!! say goodbye - you will survive this - and be happy again. 

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