    Good on You Sydney!!

    The outpouring of love,sympathy & solidarity from Sydney residents has been amazing in the aftermath of the Martin Place hostage siege.The floral tribute continues to grow.All Aussies should be proud of Sydney today.Iam. Let's hope that the governmant can take the right steps to prevent this ever happening again.

    +17  Views: 1078 Answers: 7 Posted: 10 years ago

    It's starting to look and sound like the U.S. :-(

    D'ya think??

    7 Answers

    Your PM summed up what the rest of the world are thinking.............

    'How can someone who has had such a long and checkered history not be on the appropriate watch list? And how can someone like that be entirely at large in the community?' Prime Minister Tony Abbott asked at a news conference. 'These are questions we need to look at carefully and calmly and methodically. That's what we'll be doing in the days and weeks ahead.'

    I hope the rest of the world are taking notice.

    My thoughts are with the families of the deceased.

    What a harrowing day 15 Th December 2014 was. Very frightening for the hostages and their families ."" The deceased hostages will never be forgotten .


    It was heartbreaking to see the drawing & message one of Katrina's kids left on the floral tribute.It was on the news last night. It's a sad day for us all when young mothers are taken unnecessarily like that.

    Dreadful Tom, I hope we never see that sort of thing in Australia again.

    When I heard the breaking news my first words to Roy were I hope he's taken out soon before any hostages are killed. Tori Johnson and Katrina Dawson  lost their lives to save others and their names should never  be forgotten.

    Hey Tom, the scumbag should have been jailed when he sent letters to the deceased returned soldiers family,,i would personally have sent him back to iran,,he has been a dead weight to this country,,as he has been collecting unemployment benifits for the past 12 years,,he was of no use to man or beast,,he was nothing but a scumbag,,and he aint getting any virgins where he is going,,,Always nice talking Tom..>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 


    Couldn't agree more Terry.

    I started watching when the story broke but have, however, been out of town and out of touch. Glad you posted this, Tommy, so I can catch up.  What a horrifying ordeal.  MCM is right, it DOES sound like the U.S….


    It's too late of course but the NSW gov't is now doing something about lax bail conditions.If this ratbag hadn't been out on bail this would never have happened & 3 little kids would still have their mummy. I,myself am still in a pretty emotional soft spot after recent events & this paticular aspect of the incident upset me a lot. It is beautiful to see Sydney-siders rallying to support tho. This guy's wife is currently on bail for murdering HIS ex-wife.Can you believe it? She is a self confessed terrorist supporter!! Sickening!!

    The two hostages who died were hero's they gave their lives and saved the others. You should be proud to call,  yourselves Australian,  god bless you all.


    Thanks Sunny.I am proud to be an Aussie.Especially now.

    Shame about the idiots in the crowd taking selfies.


    Didn't see that Nom.

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