    If you knew you were going to die within a certain time period, what would you do ?

    Example :    Would you get all the dirt and clutter out of  your house so your family members wouldn't be burdened with it ? Would you make out a revokable Living Trust ?  Would you call up your friends and family members and apologize for things you may have said or done that hurt them or made them angry ? Would you find someone who would promise to take you pets should something happen to you ?

    I've thought of all these things, b/c I had cancer almost 8 years ago. I survived, but it tends to come back.

    +7  Views: 3799 Answers: 7 Posted: 10 years ago
    Tags: death life

    This question requires a lot of thought, it does. I'll get back to you......

    dying is genetic. It runs in families ;-)

    7 Answers

    I'd jump in my car and run around and see all my family members, people that interest me, and friends. Hey that's what I do anyway.  My papers are in order. And I'd try to fight it until my very last breath. I go to see a bunch of comedians at the Improv in San Jose, which I do anyway. I'd laugh and have fun until I started coughing, which I do anyway. I'd draw a few pictures, which I do anyway. I'd smile on my way out  . . . What do I have to lose. I'd celebrate every minute. That's what I do now.  Oh well, I guess I wouldn't change anything. I'd thank God for my life. Water my flowers. I do that everyday too. Oh well.



    Would you be funny too? I guess so, because that's what you do anyway. LOL!!

    glad you're living life to the fullest, Tabby

    I would no doubt throw out many "important items". I would be looking at things from a different perspective. Instead of keeping this "just in case", I would be asking, "What is my executor supposed to do with this"?


    So...would your house be bare of possessions or just about the way it is now?

    LOL!! I'm not even going to answer that!

    THAT bare,eh ?...or is it spelled bear?

    Moderator in, my executor will just have to grin and bear it.

    I would try to leave things in some sort of order,  pay the bills leave any financial things organised. 

    Let everyone know how  I feel about them, good and bad.  Make sure my two cats were going to be looked after. 

    Then I would plan my funeral,  which would have plenty of music.


    Sounds like a good plan,sunny B. I would do all of the above too.

    As far as my trust goes, my sister would take care of it and divide it among my remaining siblings. What I wish wouldn’t matter……...


    A lot of thought went into this?

    Not much else to think about…….. Have little else to leave except that I want to be cremated…….

    So you have 2 living sisters ? Did you already get a lawyer and make out the living trust ?

    A brother and a sister, the sister is trustee over my trust.We each got a share, that’s why I think she’ll divide it up……….

    Because I'm a pretty much organised person anyway, yep, it would all be sorted. Then I can rest in peace.


    Good job, P L

    MCM.a good question,,i would hope to carry on with dignity until that moment arrives,,believing i will be going to a better place,,there should be no sadness about going to a better place,,the people you leave behind might be sad if they liked you enough,maybe they are sad because they are staying,,and i am going to a better place..should they not be happy i am going to a better place,,,however i would settle our affairs between my wife and myself..then go my way and hope to see my wife later on.....Always nice talking MCM..>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<

    I joke about bucket-lists because I know that death is the moment before you understand the blessings of your life's adventure that has added so much to your life and the lives of all those you have known. I know there are many who think misdeeds can out weigh the good but there are very few who have descended beneith potential fact, I personally know of none. But then I also talk with many other life forms and know of their survival placing your finger in a brook to talk with fish or being held in the hand of a human to fly away as a bird or imagine yourself as the water a swimmer is swimming through. Being offers life in all it's forms to experience and to know the only doors that are ever closed are those you choose to close. The end...or open.  

         We all come here for experiences to fill our lives and thereby broaden our view of subjects and experiences that can be gained by this way best, such as, being a parent to children in a variety of social-family settings. This treasury of life gives us all we seek to know and love...but life extends beyond to give rise to understandings of all things and all potential also.  Knowing when your body is going to die is of far less significance than happily enjoying the day. Turning a books page to the next is never the end of life any more than a dawn can rob you of yesterday. 



    At least we all agree on something, Robert, that we're all going to die.

    mycatsmom....I always knew there was something there worth remembering and I wanted to remember my own past deaths. I potted and planned to find some way to open my mind to remember my previous lives and eventual deaths. I worked at finding an answer to this puzzle and left no stone unturned in my quest. The more I looked and discovered, the more I found to be true and hinting at other answers until I simply know...beyond all of my doubts, fears and imaginings...death is no more significant than any other conclusion.

    Forever happens.


    Benjamin Franklin said, " Two things are for certain.....death and taxes "

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