    how can i learn english

    +1  Views: 625 Answers: 4 Posted: 10 years ago

    4 Answers

    Watch news broadcasters. Usually they speak proper English at a reasonable rate of speed. For slang and curse words, hopefully you have a shopping mall close by and you can go for a stroll there everyday.

    Watch a lot of varied American TV and movies...............


    That would be "American" English then.

    Get a book of words and phrases and common courtesy in English, and has the translation of such into your language. That will give  you the basics. Or get a audio tape that teaches English. Or get a computer program with pictures of objects with English subtitles and translation into your language.

    I would like to learn Russian, Chinese, French and many others also.  The problem remains the same, I wasn't born there and learned it from birth. Translations and learning Russian from English translations is not natural and offensive. Language is best learned from your mother's lap. Since I am well past learning by that process I think I could pick it up by being around children who are learning their language in just that way. I managed to learn a few words in French while watching a child learning French at home. But I'm certainly not well versed from the little movie I saw. 


    Robert, My dad also used to say the best teacher of a foreign language is a child, b/c they have the patience and enjoy teaching you and will go slow....and pronounce words distinctly And they'll get out picture books and point out the pictures and tell you the German or whatever word for them

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