    Can you remember a really great teacher?

    My son is blessed to have an amazing kindergarten teacher.  It is something to experience.  His love of learning is being cultivated from this amazing woman... right from the beginning. 

    He is growing by leaps and bounds.

    Who was your amazing teacher?

    +7  Views: 962 Answers: 7 Posted: 10 years ago
    Tags: teachers

    7 Answers

    When my 4th-grade teacher Mrs Sears became ill she was replaced with a substitute teacher named Mrs Baker during the last three months of school.  I was close to failing all my subjects including math.

    I think Mrs Baker knew things were not right in my home life so she took me under her wings. She would stand up in front of the class to teach a lesson and when the lecture was over she would pull up a chair beside me and help me with my writing, spelling and math.  She gave me her home phone number so I could call her if  I needed anything. I called her house on many occasions and she always found the time to talk to me. If it wouldn't have been for Mrs. Baker I would have failed the 4th grade.


    You have brought tears to my eyes.

    Great tribute to Mrs. Baker, might she still be alive? Have you seen her since then?
    country bumpkin

    I lost touch with her a couple of years later. I don't remember her first name, but I have thought of her many times. I doubt I thanked her for what she did for me.

    Don't cry Fish-O.

    I have taught my son to thank his teacher at the end of each day. ... It occurred to me that I should have said thanks many times through the years and didn't.

    Amado Pena, a renown artist in todays world. You’ve seen his work, I’ll bet cha. He was a fun teacher and really opened up the imagination……...


    Wow, it's beautiful.
    Do you still paint Julie?

    Today I painted about 20 Xmas cards. Care to give me your mailing address???????

    :) I think you should post one (or more) of your cards so that we can all appreciate your talent.

    I just noticed something....your new avatar pic is showing us a ring??????? Do tell.

    Oh, just a ring I got in the mail. I took the pic to show Pyllis. James is too cheap and clueless to buy me a ring……...

    Awwwww.....I thought you were revealing another "official" aka love match. :)

    Check out my avatar for pictures of the cards…….

    Wow jh, you should be in craft shows selling this stuff.....talented!!!!

    The problem with craft shows is it is very difficult to get the value you deserve for cards. I have absolutely no idea why people don't want to pay for hand made cards and will spend more money at Hallmark. It is a sad and true fact over here.

    Julie, the image is beautiful. You have a gift.

    I know several crafters and no matter what they are selling, it's always the same story. Besides that, people pick their brains about how an item is crafted and then go home and make it themselves. Craft shows are still fun for buyers and sellers and to get "something" rather than "nothing" is a good thing. Hard to make a living at it though. :(

    I've had a few amazing teachers....a French teacher in high school, a Math teacher in high school and another Math teacher in college. All would be classified in my opinion, as very patient teachers who loved teaching. None have any idea how much I appreciated them....students don't think to tell them such a thing.     :(


    I emailed my son's teacher today to thank her. Not for brown nosing, and not because I think he is a special kid that should have extra attention, because she is doing an extremely fantastic job.
    My son is blossoming because his teacher is really good at what she does.

    She will appreciate your thanks.

    I hope so. It seems communication is not my strong point these days.

    Gymshoe Jamieson, very strict but interesting maths teacher, made maths fun, I still do math in my head the exact way he taught me.

    If you were bad or "forgot" your home work he would make you bend over, draw a chalk X on your a$$, draw a chalk X on a gymshoe and keep walloping you until he got both Xs matching (hence the nickname), strict disciplinarian but a great teacher.


    What a red bum you must have had Ted,

    I can still feel it Dougal.

    Bad boy!

    That would not cut it today, I also disciplined in the 70's with corporal punishment, it was expected by male teachers! The administrators would tell us to handle problems ourselves... Also, that they would back us, if needed. I would usually hoist a kid (high schooler), up by his shirt neckline, and slide him up the wall so his feet were off the ground, as I gave him the "talk". Once I punched a kid in the mouth, after he assaulted me. Those were the days, glad nobody has to do that today, however.
    country bumpkin

    I guess he wasn't the Teacher's Pet. :)

    I had a high school principal who did the "slide up the wall" disciplinary action (late 50's) and a teacher who broke windows in the class room door with students' bodies. Both would be in jail today!

    Never did me any harm, some of the kids nowadays need a darn site worse, IMO.

    Mrs,Martineti,she use to let us play with our sand trays in the mornining,and have a little sleep in the afternoon,at saint Tresas school when we were 4/5 years old,


    Those afternoon naps are still great. :)

    yes indeed Miss Ducky,its odd but a little tear came to my eyes when i remember her,

    That must have been a very sweet teacher. :)

    Mr. Kemper, my 12th grade math teacher from Tennessee.  He hoisted me up by my shirt, and gave me the lecture about having "no shoes until he went to grade school".  This after my answer that "I could not afford to attend college", when he asked me.   He then threatened me with bodily harm, if I failed to submit an application to a college.  I did so, fearing his follow through, and when I took it to the Guidance Office, there was an envelope waiting, in it was a check from Mr. Kemper for the application fee.  I returned to visit him two years later, to discover that he had passed away from cancer.  RIP, Mr. Kemper...


    How very sad and very poignant………...
    country bumpkin

    Great story.

    :( and :)

    What an amazing teacher. ... You have made him proud even though he was not around to thank.

    Thanks... He was a great teacher, and role model.

    I had a teacher named Dr. Rosenberg. He taught behavior modification at a four year university.  He had a large class, about 75 students.  I told everybody to take his class after my first semester with him. The second class I took, on the last day of school, at the end of the class, nobody got up to leave.  They just clapped and would not leave the class, for a while.  He was a great teacher. Another great teacher was Mr. Polansky at San Mateo Jr. College.  He scared everybody. After I registered in his class, I heard how awful and hard he was.  I tried to drop that class before I saw him, but it was too late. I worked hard in his class. I was impressed with him because he had a real passion for political science (his topic), and people.  He had travelled all over the world, and made many comparisons about different people and areas.  Turned out he was fabulous and a great teacher but hard.  One more, this teacher taught social psychology. His name was Gordan Knight and he was working on his PhD at Stanford University, although this class was at the College of San Mateo. He was another one that had a passion for learning and teaching.  i'll never forget, he had shoulder length straight blond hair. He wore clod shoes and he taught with humor. I will never forget this man. He has inspired me my whole life, mainly to look for what really is. one of his examples: if you work for a company, there is a flow chart, showing who has the power and who does what. the paper he asked us to write was about that flow chart, however, also you have to analyze, who really has the power and who really makes things happen and work hard too.  who do the other employees really look up to as powerful with leadership skills.  He was dead serious about his topics, but he also tickled his self, during his great and magnificent lectures.     


    It is curious. I know about flow charts. :) I haven't thought about that concept for a while.

    Fish-O don't you love it when you rediscover or remember something that you had forgot about. That happens to me sometimes. Something triggers something and it's like a little fun surprise.

    Let me join in the flow chart fun! I also took flow charts in a couple of business courses. In the work world, it doesn't take long to learn that the "real power" is not necessarily where you think it should be....sometimes the power really flows ^upward^. :)

    Flow charts are well o/k,although they are somtimes disrupted by the greed and self impotance,of of a few that seem to wander to the top jobs and thereby stifle the insperations of those that are the bricks and morter of maney a companey,

    True enough hector.

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