    Funny email. I actually received this. She apparently needs the $. Her & husband paying a lot of rent, after all!

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Mrs Michelle Obama <>
    Sent: Tue, Dec 2, 2014 9:02 pm
    Subject: I am Mrs.Michelle Obama



    good day to you

    I am Mrs.Michelle Obama and i am here to inform you that your ATM CARD
    is here in the white house here in Washington DC is the sum
    of$20.000.000 Twenty million us dollars. and the funds will be
    delivered to you as soon as you get back to me with your home address
    and your cell phone numbers.Bear IT  in mind that i am the only one
    that has your funds in regard to my husband Mr Barack Obama and you
    will have to pay the sum of $105.00 before your ATM CARD will be
    delivered to you today so get back to me with your home address and
    here is my driver license for you to view.

    Please i will advice you to go to the Western Union or money gram to
    wire this fee of $105.00.Try to forward the payment today to enable me
    get the required clearance papers required at white house to deliver
    your funds. Info to make the payment.

    AMOUNT.....$105  I hope nobody here is foolish enough to respond! Has anyone ever received anything so blatantly fraudulent?

    will be send to the Benin Republic were your Card came from
    Mrs Michelle Obama
    E mail

    +4  Views: 1111 Answers: 7 Posted: 10 years ago

    7 Answers

    Come in sucker!!!

    I do wonder if anyone is stupid enough to resond.


    As the saying goes, "There's a sucker born every minute."

    Yeah! And you never give a sucker an even break.


    Laughable !

    Yup I've gotten them via email and my cell phone.

    Guess this scamster desn't even know she would address herself as First Lady Michellee Obama and her husband as President Obama. Dumb, and dumber


    This has been some rain check!

    DOOLITTLE! Where have you been!!!!

    Hi Doo,,
    Welcome Back !! Don't stay away so long !

    Hi Doolittle!!

    Glad to be back- still sick. life is nutty. animals are all fine!!!

    It may be some of his cousins from Kenya trying to get in on the bigger scam...

    My first thought would be “how would they have my ATM card in the first place”?

    I got that same email, and sent the $105 with my home address.  I got an ATM card with my name on it delivered by FED EX the next day and, believe it or not, $20,000,000 available funds!  
    Now, I don't usually take these kinds of things seriously, but something about this one just seemed so honest.....I was asked to take a vow of secrecy, so hadn't said anything til now.




    you mean credit or debit ?

    I mean ATM, just like Clonge's question and narrative, just like I said.

    Hey Bob, I know its been a long time and the hlidays are coming and the motgage on your new McMansion is kind of steep....but I was just wondering if I could borrow a few bucks? Not much a million would be great. Shoot, I'll take 900,000 if a millin is too much this time of year. I'd really appreciate it. I canpay y0u back $0.50 a month. if I get disability i can up it to 75cents.
    You're such a pal~ Im going to tell everyone I meet on the streets ALL about you and how generous you are!!!! Gosh, by nw yu must have a lotofnew friends!!

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