    It rained here 7inches. What do you call bad weather?

    Everybody has some. Share your story.

    +2  Views: 553 Answers: 3 Posted: 10 years ago

    3 Answers


    The night my first son was born (December 9), it was very, very foggy.  We had lived in this area for a grand total of about one week, and "my husband" got lost driving home from the hospital because of the thick fog. 

    Christmas Eve that same year, about 2 A.M., there was a knock at the door.  I was scared to death...Santa Claus doesn't knock!!!   There was a soldier, who said he had left the highway to get gas and was now lost because of the heavy fog.  He'd gone a couple miles down the country road on which we lived, but, fortunately, the highway was a straight shot from the corner where we lived.  He had a flight "home" leaving from Los Angeles a few hours later. I sure hope he made it on time!  

    A "Texas Tornado", of course, "Ms. Austin!"

    On the day my family moved to Fort Worth Texas There was a locust plague that blackened the sky with their numbers at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. The locust ate every green thing for miles, ate the hair off dogs, cats, cattle and horses, the paint off the houses and the windshield wiper blade rubber off the car. The silent dawn greeted us with what looked like a stark war zone where everything was intensely suffering a dead grey blight..  


    I’ve seen exactly two locust in my life…….

    Locust are grass hoppers on steroids. Your typical little grass hopper can greatly increase in their physical size, usually every seven years. But if their seven year cycle is interrupted by aersol-toxins their cycle will scatter over their usual cycle and become locust in smaller, scattered numbers. If no toxins were used in the US for about 50 years the greater locust plagues would return.

    Then toxins are a good thing (in this case).....

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