    How late do you stay up?

    Jack made me stay up late.  Anybody want a creeps@$t cat?

    +6  Views: 2506 Answers: 8 Posted: 10 years ago

    thought his name was James

    Jack is the wandering cat…….


    8 Answers

    10.30pm to 11pm my cats won't give me any peace if we stay up longer. They know they get supper , and go to bed in the conservatory about that time. 

    Hey JH,,we usually sit up till 11pm,,,Vinny Watches her shows on tv,,and i am usually sitting on this thing talkin to you guys...

    During the spring and summer months I been known to stay up until 3 or 4 am.  I've been hitting the sack between 12:30  and 1:30 lately.

    I'm an early riser so I will usually be in bed between 10pm and midnight. I try for 8 hours but 6.5 or 7 often has to do. I feel better if I get to bed early.

    Generally, midnight is bedtime, but that may follow a 2 hour nap on the couch or precede up to 4 more hours of sleeplessness (I'll watch TV, play Sudoku, or read)



    A two hour nap on the couch, when it just happens accidentally, is the best sleep ever! :)

    At the very least, no one is trying to share the couch with me! The dog and cat have made themselves quite comfortable on the bed as the weather has gotten colder.

    Who's the boss? :)

    Not me, for sure! My 5 year old grand daughter spent the night last week. If you divide the bed into six parts, she took the upper middle sixth and crowded towards my upper right sixth. The dog took the left upper AND lower sixths, and oozed onto the lower middle off and on. The cat took the middle of the lower right sixth. At one point, I had so little space, my hand was on the floor to prevent me from falling right out of the bed. I am not the boss.

    Obviously. LOL!!

    I'm guilty of staying up untill the wee hours of the morning. It's a bad habit I got into when I retired. I didn't plan it . I just sort of slid into it.

    I'm a bit like this.



    that's me too, P.L. ;-)

    Insomnia is not a good thing.

    No, it surely is not. It has an unpleasant element of anxiety with it.

    I'm up @ 5AM and sleeping soundly @9PM. I record what I would otherwise stay up to watch and my phone records all in-comming calls. By doing this my day is more flexible and less dependent on my time. My recorder goes to events that conflict with my first person schedule and I have had back-logs I didn't have time for and had to compress. My life presently is much more relaxed than it has been.   

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