3 Answers
I've personally known two people who were migraine sufferers and by eliminating certain foods, the headaches stopped completely for one and were significantly reduced for the other. They each started by keeping a food diary.
10 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
I had bad migraines once a month , right before my period or during too. Then, much to my pleasant surprise, after menopause , I never had another one. I used to buy " Saletos " at the drug store. They helped a great deal. After I didn't see them on the shelf anymore,I found that they would special order them for me. To make a long story short, I then discovered that Excedrin has about the same ingredients as Saleto, so take Excedrin and go to bed !!! Go home from work, or wherever you're at and go to bed !!!
10 years ago. Rating: 0 | |