    Are Christians more violent than Muslims?

    What do you think? ;-)

    +5  Views: 1178 Answers: 9 Posted: 10 years ago
    Grit Savage

    Thanks for your views peeps. its a fascinating subject. comparing figures from different cultures (Western, Asian, Middle Eastern, African, Scandinavian) leaves a clear winner on the righteous slaughtering scale by about 7 - 1 over the course of the last 2000 years. even on the daily murder rate the same side has a overall lead. it all boils down to Greed unfortunately........ I want my own planet! ;-)
    terryfossil 1

    Hey Grit,going by what you just said on your comment...maybe your question should have been who has killed the most people,,,big difference between who is the most violent and who has killed the most people and from when to when.......
    terryfossil 1

    Hey Grit,,Humans killing humans started way back when Cain killed Able,,and it just got bigger and worse from there,,,However it will end one day,,do not know which day.......

    9 Answers

    Are college professors more violent than auto mechanics?


    I had a college music professor who was very mean. He said, "If you don't 'C' sharp, you'll 'B' flat!" He meant it! The only thing an auto mechanic threatened me with is a high bill.

    @Clonge.... :)

    A college prof stalked me on a city bus once and ended up on my street with a magazine covering his face and nothing else .... my big Malamute jumped the fence and chased him over a neighbor's fence and chewed on his bum. I identified him at the local 7-11 ... he was the Shakespearian-looking dude with blood on the butt of his safari pants... LOL
    My mechanic just fixes my car. LOL


    I'm with Clonge on this one. 


    It would depend on whose book you are reading or which article was written. I’d say it’s equal. Remember, the winners wrote the history story……...

    It isn't the "Christian Way" to use deadly force to inflict fear upon non-believers in order to get their point across. It happened when the Jews were being expelled by Spain (convert or be executed, or leave the country) and when they colonized the W. Hemisphere. That practice ceased long ago.  Contrast that with radical Islam, whereby adherents try to force their beliefs upon others. A prime example is Boko Haram in Nigeria, which is in control of several northern Nigerian states and has instituted Sharia (Moslem Law).One can be executed for adultery, a hand severed for theft...


    Old Christian Crusaders and Warrior Popes may disagree.

    Stand down away from that flask Alice! Curious and curiouser... there are always going to be those who want to rain on the is an un-necessary evil that war and hatred exist but death is another thing. It holds hands with life. War and hatred have no place in this world any longer ... the jig is up.
    A arziki akwai a cikinmu alhakin baƙin ciki na yaki da kuma sũ mãsu karya fita kamar yadda muka yi magana, kuma nan da nan ya zo za a yaki ba!
    Okay ... so the translation has something to be desired ... but wot? LOL
    In any case here's what I meant ...
    The richest among us are responsible for the misery of war and they are being routed out as we speak and soon come there shall be war no more! Mark my words liddle Fishes .... ;)

    The belief in the benefits of personal sacrifice to save or benefit others and to kill armed opposition as a way to solve problems is deeply imbedded in both Christians and Muslims. The idea in both is that those who die are rewarded by their personal sacrifice in Heaven. In seeking to kill their opponent, their success uplifts their status in service. Our (both) martyrs insure a continual stream of benifits for their respective families and thus anxiously look forward to their selfless act of courage in taking out more opponents than their rivals.    

    There are many reasons that start wars and few reasons that foster a peaceful, loving relationship between peoples. Accepting differences between very different religious groups can only be accomplished by mutual respect rather than utter rejection with out acceptance or compromise. 

    Have we forgot the Christians that were fed to the lions?

    All wars are started because one group disagrees with another group. be it religion or resources.  People do not like people!


    My favorite saying...."People....they drive me crazy"! lol

    Well ... we do like people ... just not 'those' people ... LOL

    Yeah lindi...."them"!!! haha

    Who do 'they' think 'they' are anyway? ;D

    It wasn't the Christians being fed to the lions in Roman times...The lions had become quite tame and thieves could slip past the lions with a tasty bribe. So Roman Authorities looked the situation over and decided to toughen the Lions up by starving them from animal meats and feed the lions with run-aways, excess slaves and trouble-makers....some of whom were Christians although most were not Christians. So too the Christian Romans petitioned to get Christians out of prison cells...even if converted while in the lock-up awaiting feeding time for the lions. So Christianity grew as a result of qualifying for special favors. This continued and the Roman Catholic Church was born. The Romans did not care what gods you worshiped so long as you paid taxes and behaved humbly toward authority.

    What? Huh? Who did what? ??

    Too many differences in cultures causes friction to force competition for resources of land and wealth.  Greed ultimately is the driving force.  When this is tempered with religious differences then all h*** breaks loose.  Can't we all just get along in this world?  The answer is still NO, as it has been throughout history, sorry to say. 


    It would be sort of shocking to see, for once, everyone seeing the similarities we all hold rather then these 'differences' that only serve to divide.

    Ain't that the truth, Lindy.

    History might say the Christians may be the winners.

    terryfossil 1

    HI Lindi,,sorry girl,i do not get the relevance to the question,,,

    I couldn't find a song that said "I write the history" so this one came to mind ... LOL
    terryfossil 1

    Gotcha Lindi

    Christians mainly killed non christians,,Muslims own the great title of killing more of their own people than any other,religion,race or culture the world has ever known...who is the most violent,,to kill your own mother,father,sister,brother for some of the most stupid brainless dumb ass reasons ,,some muslims will kill a woman they rape because they claim she caused them to rape her,,A son murdered his mother because she dishonored the family,,her crime ???she got a job to support her family when her husband deserted them..muslims are by far the most violent,because they kill THEMSELVES, no comparison... 

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